Jaxx, Drake, and Light headcanons

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Here are some headcanons for these characters since I've been thinking about them for a long while. Anyways, here you guys go!

HEADS UP: These are based on the characters and have nothing to do with the character's voice actors. Also, some of these aren't mine! I'll clarify whenever it isn't mine though.



-If he were to brush his hair out, it'd probably be kind of long. Like, probably just above his shoulders.

-He's probably one of the only squad members with a driver's license and probably drives the squad places. (Shared headcanon)

-What if some of his jackets are actually bigger than the size he wears, but he'd just roll up the sleeves and say nothing about it!

-He *probably* used to bite his nails. He doesn't now. Well, not as much.

-I feel like Jaxx is really easy to scare. Say if he was coming out of a room and someone passed by really quickly at the same time. He'd scream for a split second, then peak out of his room to see who'd just passed by.

-Jaxx probably has a whole intro memorized. For example, like the Little Einsteins thingy. Something like that

-If he was allowed to do whatever he wants, he will do whatever he wants. Then you cannot blame him for whatever happens.

-He plants flowers and potatoes [This one's actually true I believe] that resemble the squad members. I do not care about a single thing anyone says, I will believe this. 

-Jaxx has once in his life collected pencils. He most likely doesn't anymore, but he did at one point.



-He has heterochromia [Please do NOT ask me why I headcanon this]! His left eye is blue and his right eye is a light yellow. But he uses colored contacts to hide his eye. And surprisingly, no one in the squad (+ Z squad) knows, minus Zach. [I'll be using this in future chapters, so look out for that :)]

-What if... His hair is a natural blue! [Also, if I didn't mention, in the universe the squad is in, in this book, there are different hair colors and stuff if you get my point. I'll explain later on.]

-He, for no reason, has a bunch of hoodies. He'd probably let you wear/keep a few.

-He's a bit shorter than Zach. Like Zach could be like, idk 5'11 or something, and Drake would be 5'10. Something like that. [I saw this somewhere else, idk where, but I actually like this headcanon]

-He's not the type to fall in love at first sight. He'd probably have to get to know you first. He could think that you're [pretty/handsome/others], but he wouldn't fall in love until he gets to know you.

-His smile is VERY contagious! He'd just be thinking of something and would smile at the thought, and if you were looking, you'd smile too.

-I can see him just listening to music in the back of the classroom [When the teacher allows you to]

-He's really not the best at making himself fall asleep, but he has the amazing talent of pretending to be asleep. Many people have fallen for this trick.

-He has a sketchbook. There isn't much in it, but there are some pretty good sketches.



-Light has won a bunch of games of hide-n-seek.

-He'd scare you a few times, but every time something would happen. Like he'd drop his food, he'd accidentally fall, something always happened. You both would get a laugh out of it though. 

-What if he had more freckles than you could see? Like he'd probably sometimes borrow Alex's make-up to cover some of the freckles.

-He either has a gummy stash that is mainly made of gummy worms or just gummy snacks, or just a snack stash. The best part, it's hidden in plain sight yet no one has found it yet.

-He's the youngest [If not, the 2nd youngest] squad member.

-He probably had been dragged or picked up by Levi... Multiple times. Sometimes without reasoning.🙂

-Just like in games, Light would come out of the most random places at the most random times. Once, he probably just randomly came from behind a bookshelf. That's when the squad found out they had another secret room.

-He can fall asleep really easily and is a heavy sleeper. But sometimes, he can wake up to something falling. But he'd go right back to sleep.


Lol, not me on the verge of tears over an IXL assignment 🤪😜

Anyways, hope you liked these! I might do some more if I can think of any or any I have that I'm comfortable with sharing.

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