Sora x !Squad Leader! Reader

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(F/N) = Friend's name

I have no clue who requested this, but here you go!


~𝚂𝚘𝚛𝚊'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅~

'I wonder what the news is,' I thought to myself as I made my way to the little comfort room on the 2nd floor. Whenever I got there, I sat down on the rug. Then Alex started to speak.

"Since everyone is here, I can finally announce something exciting!"

"What is it?" Levi asks, resting his head in his hand.

"We're doing a..... COLLAB!" Alex finally announced.

I was a bit confused. Then, Luca asks a question.

"With who?"

"With [Your YouTube Channel Name]!" Alex continues. "But it's an IRL Collab! So, we'll get to see them in person!"

Charli then jumps to her feet, "OH MY GOSH! REALLY?!? I've always wanted to meet them!!!"

"You're not the only one Char!" Luca agrees with her.

Alex then continues to explain when they'll be getting here and how long they'll be staying. And yes, at this point, I was pretty much kicking my feet from excitement. After everyone was excused from the meeting, I rushed upstairs, ran into my room, and jumped into my bed with my phone in hand.

I turned it on to the lock screen, and there was a notification that [Your YouTube Channel Name] uploaded a video. Before I could even put my password into my phone, Luca pretty much just broke into my room.

"So, how about we watch one more video before we get to meet [Your YouTube Channel Name] in person?" Luca asks, waving their phone in the air.

I sit up as quickly as possible, "Hell yeah!"

Luca walks in, closes the door behind them, and sits on the edge of the bed. I turn on YouTube on the TV and put on the most recent video [Your YouTube Channel Name].

{Timeskip to the Next Day}

~Your POV~

"So, (Y/N)! Are you excited to meet the squad?!" (F/N) asks me over the phone.

"Are you kidding?! Yeah! They're my favorite YouTubers !" I reply. [Sorry if the squad aren't your favorite YouTubers, but for the sake of this one-shot, they're gonna be.]

(F/N) and I continued to talk on the phone on my to the squad's house. Whenever I arrived, I stopped mid-sentence. Then (F/N) spoke up.

"So, I'm guessing you're there?" They ask over the phone.

I reply with excitement in my voice, "Yes! I'm here! In front of THE squad's house!"

"Well, we'll keep the channel running at home! And I call dibs being substitute leader!"

I giggled a bit, "Go ahead. I'm putting you in charge."

🍥🌸inquisitormaster x Reader🌸🍥Where stories live. Discover now