Levi x !Yandere! Reader

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~♪☘︎𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚒'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅☘︎♪~

"Hey, have you heard of what's going on?" Zach asked, as we walked down the sidewalk.

"No..What?" I ask, glancing at Zach.

Zach stops and looks to me with a surprised look, "..Bro! You really need to catch up on things."

Zach then continues to explain things to me what's going on. What's happening is, people from our school is getting random notes. Like, 'Stay away from him' or 'Watch out..'. In my honest opinion, that was some childish stuff.

"So, what you're telling me, is that someone is going around giving out 'threats'?" I ask.

"Yeah, pretty much." Zach concludes.

I rolled my eyes, "So, childish shtuff?"

Zach nods his head. We continued walking until we saw a store we wanted to go in. We get some stuff then walk out. We walked back to our houses.

After I got home, I decided to let Luca hang out with me in my room. After a while of hang out with Luca, I fell asleep.

'Buzz'. I slowly opened my eyes to see Luca stirring around to grab their phone. Whenever they finally get a grip onto their phone, they turn on the phone and start looking at it. It looked like they were reading a message.

Then Luca's eyes widen, "I- uhh..Levi..Look."

"Hm?" I hum, as I get up and walk over to the beanbag he was sitting in.

I look over their shoulder, and see a text message that reads, 'Stay away from Levi ro I'll burn you alive. I don't care if your his brother. Stay away.' I look at Luca, then back at the phone.

"This is what Zach waa talking abou-" My phone then started ringing.

I looked at Luca again, they nodded their head. I then answered the call, "Hello?"

"Hey Levi, it's Zach. Can you hurry up and meet me by the.. Alleyway?"

"The Alley- You mean that alley?" I ask.

"Yes. Now hurry up, it's an emergency!" The call then ends.

I turn to face Luca, "Wanna come with me?"

"Where?" Luca asks, standing up from the beanbag.

"Just follow along." I then start to make my way out of the door.

Luca then quickly follows behind me. We make our way out the door, and yes, we had our shoes on already. We started making our way to the Alley that Zach wanted to meet us at.

After a while of walking, we finally made it to the Alley. Whenever we did, all we saw was-

"Zach!" Luca shouts, running infront of me to get to Zach, who was laying on the ground. Luca then put to fingers on Zach's neck, "oh. He's..Sleeping?"

'Why would he be-' then smoke came out of nowhere. I thought it was a smoke bomb, but I started feeling..Sleepy.

"Levi... I'm..All of a sudden..Very tired.." Luca starts, before collapsing onto the ground next to Zach.

"LU...ca...." My eyelids started getting very heavy. It also felt like a bunch of weight fell onto my back out of nowhere. Then I also collapsed onto the ground.

I think it was sleeping gas.

I wake up in a room, Luca and Zach nowhere to be seen. But there was someone, doing something on a table. The person then turns around to face me, "oh great! You're up love!"

"You're a stranger. Don't call me that." I say, struggling in the chair I was in. I was tied to a chair, so I couldn't move at all.

"Oh we won't be strangers for long." They then start walking towards me, "the name's (Y/N)! Nice to meet ya!"

Once they get to me, they lift my chin up. "And I already know who you are. So no need to worry about introductions."

Before I could say anything, '(Y/N)', out of nowhere, sits on my lap. I let out a groan while they did that.

"Man, you're very adorable. Did you know that?" They say, inching closer to my face as they blush.

I then inch closer to their face, "Did you know that you're annoying?"

They blushed an even darker shade. "Oh my gosh! I love you Levi! ILOVEYOUILOVEYOUILOVEYOU!"

They then, put their hand behind my neck, I could maybe feel face get a little hot.


They were red red, sweating a lot, tears in the corner of their love sick eyes. They continued on rambling about how 'amazing' I was, and how 'loving' I was.

I was starting to get bored, so I was going to make a move.

"Hey. (Y/N)-" I was interrupted by them colliding their lips with mine. Their hand was still on the back of my neck so. Yeah. I was going to make a move though.

Whatever, I'm not going anywhere for a while.

🍥🌸inquisitormaster x Reader🌸🍥Where stories live. Discover now