Even more headcanons|Cool colors

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Pairings : Reader x Squad member

Based off their emojis/Stickers/ Sprites

Colors pt. 2: 🖤 🤍 💧

Secret phobias/fears

⚠️Warnings! Swearing⚠️



•I feel Levi's secret fear is the down escalators. Not the ones that go up, butbthe ones that go down. Like say you and the squad have to use the down escalator and Levi is tryna talk you guys out of it and use the elevator orsome stairs.

•You guys end up going on the escalator, and you can notice Levi not sitting on the escalator, but also as low as he can go. After you guys get off the escalator, you ask him why he was acting like that, but you know damn well this man ain't gonna tell you shit!-

•How he got the fear you ask? Heres whag I think happened: He was once on a down escalator with Luca, before he got off the escalator, his shoe lace got stuck, and Levi started panicking because he thought it was gonna suck him in along with the shoe lace. So there you go :D.



.....So ya'll know Bareny-

•I personally think they would have a fear of mostly kid TV shows like Barney, Elmo, Teletubbies, ect. Like say someone were to say something about Elmo right, and then Luca would jump up and go, "WHERE?!?WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT RED TALKING BITCH?!?!"

•You'd try your best to help them get over their fear, but it didn't work. They would always get startled or something if they heard the intro or music to the show.

•Here's how they got the fear. Theories. Just very disturbing Theories. And every since then, they've always had a fear of those TV shows.



This one's kinda sad to me-

•Personally I think he has one of these two phobias/fears: Amfisbitophobia(Fear of arguing) or Monophobia(Fear of being alone). I don't know why, I just think he was one of these two. Mainly Amfisbitophobia.

•Here's how I think you'd find out: So you guys would be recording a video with the squad, and it was like a voting out game. So the squad was trying to find out who to vote out for the killer or whatever. So everyone was yelling and arguing(playfully) and Sora didn't really feel comfortable in the situation so he goes, "O-Okay! Just v-vote me out p-please!" You noticed that Sora was stuttering while saying that, so yoy go ahead and vote out Jade.

•You later ask him what happened in the video, he then  explains it to you. And from then on, whenever the squas would start arguing, like a lot, you'd yell at them to stop it 😃


Sorry if this was a short chapter, I got a other books and choaters to write/update. So yeah! Also Zach's squad girls headcanons(Skye and Darkness since I already did Erza) will be uploaded soon! Bye my peeps! :)

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