Drake x Reader 💙 x 🤍| "I'm Home!"

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~Your POV~

I was sitting down in the living room, scrolling through[Whatever you'd like] before I felt a pair of hands go around my eyes."AHH-"

"Calm down. It's Zach."

"What are you doing?"

" Just get up and I'll guide you to the room I wanted to bring you to!"

" Alright..."

I stood up like Zach asked me to, then he started slowly guiding me into what I think if the main room. It's where most of the squad members were introduced. So I think it was a new squad member.

" Okay! Now stay here!"

Zach then took his hands off my eyes, but before I could look around, another pair of hands went over my eyes.

"Zach why!?"

"Nope! It's Jax!"

"Oh...What's good cuz?"

" Nothin'."

Then I heard Jax saying something to Sora, then he took his hands off my eyes. But before I could look around, once again another pair of hands went over my eyes, " Okay! Who is it now?!?"

I then heard a little chuckle, "It's Jade! "

I honestly didn't care anymore. So I just sat there. I didn't try to take her hands off or anything.

~Alex's POV~

I LOVE this idea! Man I didn't know a silly goose could be this smart. "Silly goose, this is honestly an amazing idea! It's so adorable!" I could feel the gaze of the dressed in fully black man on me, "What did I say about call me SILLY GOOSE?!"


I see Jade take her hands off (Y/N)'s eyes, So I run up behind them and put my hands around their eyes. I heard a groan od annoyance come from them, " C'mon! Let me see the view people!"

I heard a faint 'no' come from the kitchen. I couldn't help but laugh a little. I wonder when he was going to do this though...

~Your POV~

I felt Alex take her hands off my face, but I was already expecting another pair of hands, but there wasn't. I then almost turned around when, Ta-Da!, Another pair of hands!


"Hey Erza!"

"Hey (Y/N)!"

"Wait! Skye's here too?!?"

" Yeah! I'm the left hand! And Erza's the right hand!"

" Oh...Okay!"

I then heard I believe Erza grab the remote off the table, a few seconds of silence, then I heard [TV show/ Movie of choice] Start playing. Then the both of then took their hands off and started walking off.

I didn't bother to turn around but, I got to see about 20 minutes of [TV show/Movie of choice] before I felt something go over my eyes.

"Don't worry, it's Light."

"Light! Old buddy Old pal! What did you put over my e-"

" A blindfold. I'll be going now though."

" Oh...Okay!"

{Timeskip a 50 minutes later}

~Silly- I mean Levi's POV~

I took the blind fold off their face, and then put my hands over their face.

"Alright, so Ima take you to another room for a few minutes, then bring you back here. Okay?"

" Ight."

I let them stand up, and then started guiding them to Alex's room. I think (Y/N) and Zach are the only people allowed in there. So I guided them there.

"Alright, take off the blindfold and stay in here. No peaking or anything. Got it?" I say as they take off the blindfold.

" Yeah. I'll probably be asleep before you get back"

Tch. I close the door and head downstairs to where the others were at. I told them that
(Y/N) was upstairs in Alex's room. So we could get this set up. Everyone has already seen ???. Sora, Luca, Darkness, Erza, Skye, and I already met ??? so it (Y/N) just had to see ???, then it was complete.

"Alrighty ???! You can go to the living room now!" Charli says.

" Hehe, finally!" ??? Replies.

"*Le gasp* I'll go get (Y/N)!" Darkness yells before speeding upstairs.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

I was just sitting in the room before the door was busted open! I look at the doorway and I see Darkness standing there. Before I could say anything, her hands were over my eyes and guiding me to the main room I think.

After a few minutes of guiding, we make it to the main room. She guides me to a couch, and I sit down. I didn't know what I was allowed to do. So I sat there stiff as a brick.

That was until someone took off the blindfold, and I got to see around the room for a few seconds and everyone was either sitting, standing, or leaning against something. But they were all looking at me, or at least....behind me. Some were snickering, some were smiling, they were all doing something to show the emotion 'excitement'.

I try to turn around, but someone covers my eyes again, and sits down next to me. "Who is it...This time...?" I ask hesitantly.


I chuckle a bit at this, "No need to worry. It's Drake!"

"Oh.....WAIT A DAMN SECOND!!!" They yell as I take my hands off their face.

~Zach's POV~

(Y/N) looked so surprised, Shocked, Happy, and a lot of other emotions a at once.

"Surprise!" Drake says.

Before he could say anything else, (Y/N) was hugging Drake and I think crying. I could see because of where I was standing. But To be honest, this was adorable to watch. Ya know what! I'ma go missing for a bit-

~Drake's POV~

It was nice holding them again, after a while. But what can I say? I was doin' my own shit elsewhere, just like Jax was doin' his own shit! But I did miss everyone.

"Where did you even go?" (Y/N) asked.

"[Wherever he went]."

"Well it took ya a while buddy!" They reply.

I started laughing a little, they were kinda a handful. But not in a bad way...But once again, it was nice holding them in the arms again. We could maybe go do something after all this. But all I knew was....I'm home...


Is it okay if I'm holding back tears writing this-

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this oneshot! Also welcome back Drake! Anyways, Have a nice weekend, and also happy summer if anyone started summer break! Bye <3

🍥🌸inquisitormaster x Reader🌸🍥Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin