Your Nightmare | Dark Deception based AU | Night in the Manor

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We walked up to the statue. The statue had their eyes cover, and it was saluting. I turn around, no longer focusing on the statue. Zach and I make it to the gate, and try opening it. But it was locked. Then I heard laughing. coming from behind us.

I whipped my head around to see the statue facing us. Now I could've sworn, that the statue was facing the portal whenever we came in. I look over at Zach for a second, and he had an expression that yelled 'hell to the mother fuckin' no'. We faced back to the gate, then heard a 'pst' come from the same spot behind us. We turned around again, and the statue was GONE! GONE I TELL YOU!

I look over at Zach, and he look at me.

"I think the statue moved." I managed to say.


The statues laugh though. It kind of sounded like Jax's laugh. The gates then opened up for us, and we heard a bunch of footsteps. I look at Zach one more time before heading in.

Long story short....We're screwed.

To be continued into chapter 3...


~Your POV~

I walked into the gates, and it looked like a maze. I could still hear the laughing coming from different directions of the paths. Zach walks ahead of me and walks down one of the paths without looking or anything. I quickly follow after him.

"What are you doing!?" I whisper, following behind him.

"Why're you whispering?" He asks, stopping and looking back at me. 

"Well because there are more "people" in this maze thingy," I reply.

Zach shrugs his shoulders and continues walking. I hear some footsteps behind us. I turn around, and see a statue behind us. I look away for a split second, then look back at it. It was now closer than before, and in a different position. This time pointing. 

I tap Zach without looking away from the statue, "It moves..."

I could hear Zach turning around, "Oh great. So it followed us in here?!"

"Zach, I don't think it followed us in here," I pause. "I think it was already in here."

Zach than walks next to me and looks at the statue, "That meaning there might be more than one. And you can take a break from looking at it.

I look away from the statue, and it doesn't move since Zach was looking at it. It looked just like the statue we saw outside of the gates. It's eyes were covered and it was wearing some clothing from the 18th-century. It looked like some type of uniform. Not even gonna lie, my favorite part was the hat.

I grab onto Zach's wrist, and speed boost down the path. I stopped in front of some type of platform. It was silver, and had a bunch of holes. It made me uncomfortable.

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