𝐒𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐝 𝐆𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠👻 || Squad🌈 & Reader🌸

284 3 3

Requested by: StellaBarnosky

•First Person POV

I picked up the spirit box, putting it in my back pocket. I turned around from the table to look at the rest of my friends. They were messing around with the other things on the tables that we needed for the ghost hunt.

I grabbed the lamp from the table and a nearby light. I turned the lighter on and lit the lamp. Placing the lighter down, I turned around and looked at the rest of the members. Some were testing some things out, others were messing around with each other.

"Alright! I think that's everything we need," Alex commented, smiling. "We can go now."

Some cheers could be heard throughout the truck. The trunk door opened and everyone piled out of the truck. They looked at the mansion. The walls outside of the house were falling apart and broken, most of the windows were covered with chipping wooden planks, and the grass outside of the house was dry and released a weird smell.

Luca sniffed, "It smells so weird. Ew."

I nodded. I walked down the pathway to the front stairs. I climbed up the stairs and lifted my hand to knock on the door. Before my hand came into contact with the door, it slowly creaked open, welcoming them inside.

I turned around to face everyone else. They were all staring at the door. I walked through the door and waited for everyone else. As everyone walked in, there were sounds of fascination and some disgust. And there was the other sound, which was Candi and Levi going back and forth.

"Levi! Baby, don't leave me alone!" Candi attached herself to Levi's arm. "It's scary in here!"

Levi groaned, "I've already said no! If you don't want to be alone, then don't split up from the group! Simple as that."

Candi still wasn't letting go, no matter how much Levi struggled. Then, after looking around at the entrance of the house, we decided to venture further into the house. Some of us went upstairs, some of us went downstairs, and the rest of us stayed on the main floor.

I was with Alex, Levi, and Candi. I don't even know if it was a benefit or an annoyance. Alex and I were doing most of the ghost stuff, setting up things and stuff. Levi seemed to try and help, but then Candi would always slow him down and pull him back.

"Candi, stop and help! Please!" Levi begged, moving his arm away from her.

Candi ran right back to him, "Levi! It's terrifying in here! And if I lose my sunglasses, I swear! I'll never recover!"

Levi turned to look at Candi, "Then keep them on your head."

Candi frowned as a response. We continued to set up the stuff we had. I took out the spirit box and it almost immediately got cold. I looked at everyone and I could see our breath. Then, something passed by us. I could tell because it was extremely cold for a few seconds. 

We looked over to the stairs and heard something like wind. Then, it was quiet. After a few seconds of silence, there were 4 screams all at once, the highest being Jaxx's, followed by an 'AH HELL NAW' A bunch of rapid footsteps could be heard, then, they saw Light, Luca, Sora, and Jaxx come running down the stairs, panicked looks on their faces.

They ran behind us and looked back at the stairs. Nothing came down the stairs after them. We turned to face them, concerned expressions plastered onto the other's faces.

"Are you guys okay?! What the hell happened?!" I asked, looking around.

Light pointed to the stairs, "THERE WAS A GHOST! WE SAW IT! IT WAS UGLY!"

Luca laughed a bit at Light's reaction. After a few seconds, they calmed down enough to where they could explain what they saw. They said that, as they were messing around with the ghost camera, it suddenly got cold in the room. Then, they held the camera up to a certain part of the room and saw the ghost. That's when they screamed and ran. For a while, they stayed with us on the main floor. 

We eventually went into the kitchen. The kitchen was absolutely trashed. We went around, messing with things until something happened.

"Candi, would you get off of Levi?" I commented, placing a pot on the counter.

Candi looked at me, "Uhm, no! Why would I listen to someone I don't even like!?"

I rested my elbow on the counter, "Didn't know you had bad taste, Candi."

Candi groaned as a response and let go of Levi. We didn't find anything in the kitchen, so we left the kitchen and went into the guest bedroom. Alex and I went into this room. Everyone else left and went their separate ways again. Maybe we'd finally find something in here.


After about 30-40 minutes, we all met back up in the main living room and discussed everything we had found. Downstairs, The twins, Jade, and Charli had found some information about the ghost. Like, her past before she died. Upstairs, before they ran before, they found some stuff in the main bedroom. And we on the main floor had found some extra things, like family photos.

I looked around at everyone, "Since we're all here, why don't we use the Ouija Board?"

"WE HAD A BOARD?!" Sora asked, shocked.

I nodded my head. I pulled the board out from the bag and placed it on the coffee table. I sat down on the floor along with the others. We took the planchette out next and put our hands on it. I don't know how exactly I felt about this, but I felt somewhat excited.

We each took turns asking the ghost questions, some serious and a few joke-ish. Then, my turn came around again.

"Alright, Miss Ghost," I started. "Hm... Did you meet the dinosaurs? Did you have one as a pet?"

Sora turned his head away to hide his laughter while Alex looked at me in pure shock. 


I looked back at Alex. "WHAT!? Have you seen the closet?!"

Right after I said that the stuff on the bookshelf nearby was knocked off. Almost immediately, Light took his hands off the board and stood up. He grabbed the stuff he had brought and started walking to the door, shaking his head.

"I'm not dealing with this bullshit!"

Luca took their hands off, "Wait, Light!"

I looked at the two of them, "Neither one of you said goodbye!"

"I DON'T CARE!" Light started trying to turn the doorknob, but it wouldn't budge. "You can't be serious..."

"What?" Charli asked, looking at Light.

Light threw the stuff he had onto the ground, "The door's locked!"

I started laughing. I don't know why, but I just burst into laughter.

"I blame this on (Y/N) with the dinosaur question," Levi commented. He said goodbye to the board and stood up.

Guess we're stuck in here just a little longer. Maybe we could find some other things. Like, if she really had a pet dinosaur or not.

Part 2?

Word count: 1157

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