Head canons!

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Sooooo~ Here are some headcanons of the squad! Also these aren't based off them irl, these are based off their skicker things! These have nothing to do with them irl.  Anyways here we go!


You x Squad member heacanons

Based on their characters

Warm colors: ❤️🧡💛💖



•In the morning, I feel if you're standing or awake before you, she would be half awake and go to where you are and hug you from behind. And if you're sitting, she would sit next to you, and just fall asleep on you.

•Whenever you're cooking, she would probably ask to taste the food or something like that. And if you let her, she would probably stand there for a second, look at you, and go, " Who gave you the ability to cook so well?"

•Cuddles every night. There is barely any nights without cuddles. Alright? Also, in the morning, you're the only one able to slip out of the cuddle position without waking her up. If she were to try, you'd wake up immediately.



•He will forever wake up before you. He goes to sleep on time too! So whenever you wake up, he's either on the couch, making breakfast, or just doing whatever. Just know he's always awake before you!

•He would randomly put his hand on your head, you could be taller then him, but his hand will be on your head. He would ruffle your hair as well. So hehe, yeaaahhh.

•So if you're a night owl... You're not anymore-

With Zach, I think he would pick you up if you were refusing to go to bed, and just drop you on the bed. Try to get up, he would lay on top of you purposely. So you're not moving. So might as well just go to sleep😁.



•He got a morning voice!

I know everyone one has a morning voice, but his is something different. Like you would tell him that he is no longer allowed to talk unless he is fully awake. 'Cause the first time you heard his morning...You pretty much died-

•Free piggyback rides! No one can tell me other wise! He would in the middle of the day or randomly, whenever he's bored he would ask if you want a piggyback ride or something. If you say yes, he would pick you up, and start running around.

•You're both night owls together. No sleeping until 2 a.m. Like really, one of the squad members could walk in and tell you guys to go to bed, you guys would say alright, and then not go to bed.



•You gotta wake her up, and if she doesn't get up the first try, drag her out of bed. But she'll find her way to the couch and go to sleep there. Then you gotta tell her this, " Hey Charli. I found *whatever her favorite snack is*" And she'll jump up.

•I feel like you guys would play hand games. Like lemonade and Numbers. If you guys weren't recording or were just bored. Like the others could hear you guys playing miss mary mat.

•One sleeps but the other doesn't. Like one night, you sleep and Charli doesn't get that much sleep. But then another night, you don't sleep and she sleeps. Also what I mean by one doesn't sleep, I mean that one stays up until like 3-4 a.m.



•I feel she would forget where she is, walk out into the living room, see you, then remember where she's at.

•Random hugs throughout the day. She would run up to you and hug you. And it never gets annoying😊

•Just like Jaxx, no sleeping. No one's allow to sleep if you two are awake past 1 a.m. Like you guys could probably conquer the world at 1.a.m😌


Okay, so here are the warm colors. I will post the cool colors soon! Maybe another Drake x Reader for his return tomorrow! I hope you guys enjoyed this though, Cause I did enjoy writing these. Bye <3

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