Ice-Skating! | The Squad🌈 x Reader🌸

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~Your POV~

"You guys ready yet?" Jax asks from the front door.

You rush downstairs, trying to fix your shoes while doing so, "Yeah! Well, I am!"

Jax cheers, "You know how to skate, right?"

"Kind of, but I'm not a pro at it."

Before we could continue our conversation, everyone was walking out the front door to get the car (Well, cars since there are a lot of us). Jax and I followed behind. We all got into the car(s) and started making our way to the skating rink.

On the way there, Luca and I played rock paper scissors. Luca won a lot more rounds than I did, but I won a couple as well. Charli even joined in on a few rounds as well. But we did this the whole ride to the skating rink.

{Timeskip to the Skating Rink}

Whenever we got there, we got our skates and stuff, and went to where the rink was. Some of the squad members got their skates on really quickly and were already on the ice. I got my skates on, I was just struggling to stand up. After a few attempts, I finally stood up and went over to the ice. I stepped foot onto the ice and started gliding on the ice. I was trying to move, but I wasn't making any progress.

I just let myself glide until I bumped into a wall. I just held onto the wall and didn't move. I watched the others skate around, and some of them fell a few times. Then I heard someone laughing beside me. I looked over and saw Alex.

"Hey (Y/N), what're you doing over here?" She asks, coming to a full stop.

I chuckled a bit, "So, uhh. I found out it's harder to skate on these then the ones I'm used to."

"Well, I could help you get a bit more comfortable skating in them!" Alex offers, holding her hand out.

I look at her hand, then place my hand into hers. She then slowly pulls me away from the wall, but I almost fell. Alex made sure I didn't fall and caught my other hand. She then helps me stand up properly.

"You ready? All you have to do is walk, but slowly!"

I nod my head. Alex then started gliding backwards, and I tried keeping my balancing while "walking", but lost my balance anyways. And Alex came down with me. Luckily, neither one of us got hurt! We stood back up and Alex continued to help me get a bit more comfortable with these skates.

{Timeskip to a while later}

~Luca's POV~

"How!?!" Charli exclaims as I skate towards her.

I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know. Practice I guess." I then come to a full stop.

Charli then tries to do whatever I just did, but ends up falling. Every time. Each time she fell down, I went over to help her up. But the amusing thing was that she never stopped. Then, (Y/N) just came in and spinning. Like, they were standing, but leaning forward trying to keep their balance. 

(Y/N) then ended up bumping into Charli, which caused them both to fall to the ground. I laughed a little as I skated up to the two of them. I held my hands out for both of them. (Y/N) grabbed onto one, and Charli grabbed the other.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked, still laughing a bit.

"Yes. I think," (Y/N) replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of their neck. 

Charli laughs, "What even happened there?"

"So, I was trying to skate by myself. Which was going great. Until someone sped by in front of me, and I tried to stop. But I somehow ended up spinning while going this direction," they explained.

After I finished laughing, I asked them if they wanted to skate around with Charli and I. They agreed to it since Alex went to the Arcade with Levi and Light. Charli continued spinning around while (Y/N) just regularly skated around. 

I skated around also, kind of spinning like Charli, but added a few twists of my own. Whenever I finished one of my moves, someone bumped right into me. My immediate reaction was to catch them. I looked down and saw (Y/N) looking up at me with a smile. 

"Hi," was the only thing they said before I helped them stand up straight. 

I then decided that I wanted to teach (Y/N) how to dance on ice. I know they could barely skate, but I just would like to see how they'd do it. I held both of their hands and started guiding them to the middle of the rink. I didn't let go the entire timed doing so, so that (Y/N) didn't fall.  I then taught them how to just skate around and stop themselves. After a while, they were able to stop themselves, but they weren't 100% great at it.

I skated over to Charli, and (Y/N) followed! They skated over and it took them a bit to stop, but they did it! We then continued just skating around, and some of the other squad members would come over time to time. But overall, it was fun. 

After a few hours of skating, it was time for us to go home, but tomorrow was Christmas eve, so there was nothing to be upset about. Charli skated around the rink one more time with (Y/N) then came over to where you'd put your skates on. 

We took our skates of and started making out way back home. But luckily, tomorrow is one of the best days ever.


I'm sorry that this chapter is short. But I hope you guys enjoyed it! And Happy Holidays!!

🍥🌸inquisitormaster x Reader🌸🍥Where stories live. Discover now