Christmas Eve with the squad! | The Squad🌈 + Z squad x Reader🌸

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Happy Holidays!! And I wanted to write a chapter for it since I didn't get to finish the Halloween one! But enjoy!!

!WARNING! Swearing


{December 24th, in the morning}

~Your POV~

I squinted my eyes as I was waken up by somebody aggressively shaking me.

"(Y/N)!! GETUPGETUPGETUP!!! IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE!!" Sora shouts, still shaking me.

I sit up and rub my eyes, "Good morning to you too, Sora.

Sora stops shaking me, "Okay! Now hurry up and get dressed! We're waiting for you downstairs in the kitchen!!"

And with that, Sora leaves my room, closing the door behind him. I finally get up out of bed and head over to closet. I chose an outfit [Of your choice] and then go to my phone. I see that there aren't any new notifications, so I leave my room and go to the bathroom. I wash my face and brush my teeth. Then I leave the bathroom and head downstairs.

I then go into the kitchen, and everyone is just doing what they do almost every morning, which always starts my day off great. Zach was chasing Luca around, while Luca was holding a snowman shaped pancake. Alex, Charli, and Levi were laughing, and Alex was mixing something. Jax was eating some types of toppings, along with Sora. But Sora somehow manages to grab the bowls a few times. Light and Drake were playing rock paper scissors, while Erza hyped them up. Jade has Darkness on her back, walking around the kitchen. And everyone else is just watching and laughing.

I walk over to Alex, Charli, and Levi, and stand at the counter with them. 

"Good morning (Y/N), " Levi greets with a smile.


Levi looks at me for a few seconds, then giggles, "Sora woke you up, didn't he?"

I look at him shocked, "How did you know? Were you up there with him?"

he shakes his head, "No, he went up there to go to the bathroom. Then came back down saying you'd be down in a bit."

I nod my head. I then continued talking with Levi, and Charli and Alex joined in onto our conversation. Whenever breakfast was done, which was snowman pancakes and gingerbread man shaped hashbrown, we sat down in the second living room. I sat on the couch next to Light, who I let jean his head on my shoulder at times. And don't worry, he asked before doing so. 

I was eating, whenever Light asked a question, "Hey (Y/N), during the day, what would you do during Christmas eve?"

I thought for a moment, "Well, my family and I used to play out in the snow for a while, then go inside, change into non-dirty clothes, then we would usually go to the Christmas Town! And it's not too far from here!"

Jade's eyes pretty much sparkled, "Oh my GOSH!! (Y/N), CAN WE DO THAT!?"

I chuckled, "Of course, there's no need to ask. And it is snowing outside!"

"I'm down, let's go!" Jax says, taking his plate downstairs.

Everyone followed after him, some of them even rushed washing their plates so they could run upstairs and go to their rooms to change. After I finished washing mine and putting it away, I walked up to my room to find my coat and stuff to play in the snow. 

🍥🌸inquisitormaster x Reader🌸🍥Where stories live. Discover now