Erza❤ x Reader🌸

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This is gonna be a Murder Mystery kind of chapter. And Kat and Gabby are going to be in it, but they're going to be their own people. And yeah, that's all I had to say. 


~Your POV~

'Great! Murderer,' I thought to myself as I tapped my pocket, feeling the knife. 

I went to the main room [The map is that studio map, with that green screen room], and just saw Zach there with a gun.

Whenever everyone got there, he started speaking, "Okay, so now, we're gonna play "Simon says".

Jade raised her hand, "Oh! Oh! I wanna be Simon!"

"No! I'm Simon," Zach says, pointing the gun towards her. "Simon says jump."

Everyone started jumping. Then Zach said stop. He then said to sit down. Darkness sat down, but he never said Simon says. Darkness then realized what happened, and started running. With Zach chasing after her.

We started laughing.

"Darkness, run!" Skye shouted, jumping up and down.

Darkness kept running, and passed by us a few times. Zach kept on missing the shots. He shot again, but missed Darkness and hit Kat. 

Drake hurried and got the gun, "Alrighty! So, Simon says pull out something in your pockets!"

Jade pulled out a spray can, Kat pulled out an ice-cream toy, Darkness pulled out a sign, I don't know how it got there. Erza pulled out a teddy bear. I didn't pull out anything. Everyone was looking at me.

Drake looked suspiciously, "Simon said pull something out of your pocket."

I reached into my pocket, and pulled out a sign that said 'Boo!'. Drake smiled. I then ran up to him, pulled out my knife, and stabbed him. Then I started trying to get everyone else, but they kept running. Erza got the gun as I was chasing Kat. 

Once I got everyone, I stood in front of Erza. 

She held up the gun with a confused look, "Why're you just standing there?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know. Shoot."

Erza then shot the gun, and she won. When we got back to the lobby, Skye just started singing '(Y/N) and Erza sittin' in a tree'. We voted on a map, and we spawned in and I was innocent. It was the police station map, and I was in the vents. 

While I was walking around, I saw Erza behind a desk pretending to type at the computer. I went to the other side of the desk, Erza looked up.

"Hi, how may I help you today?"

I thought for a moment, "I would like to visit someone."

Erza nodded and started 'typing' away at her computer. She then sucked her teeth and looked back up at me, "I know this may be some news, but we're going to have to arrest you."

"Huh!? What have I done?" I say, with a 'shocked' expression.

Erza came up to me from the counter, and took both of my hands and put them behind me. She then started guiding me to some of the cells that we saw earlier, and put me into one of them. The door was stuck in place so we couldn't close it. 

"You're arrested for breaking the most important law," Erza explained. 

I put a hand on my forehead, "Oh my! What law have I broken so carelessly?"

Erza leaned against the bars, "The law of being too beautiful! You've broken it to many times!"

Erza and I laughed. Then Erza fell down, and my vision went black. I got back to the lobby and went up to Erza, who was sitting on the sofa at the top of the ramp. Whenever I got next to her, I saw that she was looking at what was happening in the round. Turns out the murderer was Kat, since she just now killed Darkness. 

I sat down next to Erza and kind of scooted next to her. Erza must've notice since she put her arm around me and pulled me closer to her. I think I blushed a little bit, but I just shrugged it off. We watched as the round went on, and Skye ended up getting Kat. 

Whenever they respawned, Jade was the first to appear in the voting room and saw Erza and I. 

"Oooo~ Am I interrupting?" Jade teases.

Before I could say anything, Erza says, "Yes, you are."

My face heated up a lot more than it should've. Jade just voted for the map and walked out smiling. Erza and I got up and voted for a map. Once again, I was innocent. This time, the map was the hospital. I actually hated this map, but I don't know why.

I was wandering around, and heard a murder sound. I didn't know who had the gun, but I walked away from that area. After another murder sound, I went into the area from earlier. And what do you know, the guns not there. 

I heard another murder downstairs. There were already 3 murders so far. One of them being Kat. I went into the vents, and kept going until I couldn't. I saw Zach grab the gun, but I didn't see the murderer anywhere nearby, I think. There were 9 people, but now there are 5, since someone is the murderer. 

I heard 2 murder sounds upstairs, at the same time. I ran upstairs and went into the vents behind that one dresser. Whenever I went behind there, I saw Gabby's body in the vents. Then I heard a murder downstairs.

'How did I not see the murderer yet!?' I thought to myself. I fell out the vent back to the first floor. 

I then realized that if I heard another murder, I was going to be the only one left alive. Unless I was the one murdered. As I went upstairs, I saw Erza. I ran up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around, stuffing something in her jacket pocket. 

"Hey Erza, do you know who the murderer is?" I asked. 

She laughed and reached into her pocket. She then pinned me to the wall and pulled a knife out of her pocket. She put the knife up to the side of my neck. 

I started blushing a lot, "Well... Uhm...."

"Who has the gun, (Y/N)?" She asked, softly.

Should I snitch, or should I not? I stayed silent for a bit. She got a bit closer and put the knife closer to my neck, "Who has it?"

"Is Zach alive?!" I asked in a panic. 

Erza nodded.

I then sighed, "Then he has it."

She smiled and took the knife away, "Thank you sweetheart." Erza then started walking away to go find Zach I'm guessing. 

I slid down to the floor. My face was as hot as the stove I swear! I put my hands on my face and smiled to myself. I heard a gunshot, but I didn't hear a 'ding', so Zach missed. It's fine, since the round was going to be over in about like 5 seconds. 

After the 5 seconds, the innocents won. When we were teleported back into the lobby, Skye popped up behind me and started singing 'I saw what happeeeeened!' I couldn't help but blush whenever I remembered what happened. 

As we were walking into the voting room again, Erza walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek, "Thanks for earlier."

I looked up at Erza, who was standing on one of the platforms. She looked back at me, and waved. I waved back with a smile, and a bunch of blush on my face.


Sorry that this chapter was short. Also, I do have a few other requested chapters that are just sitting in my drafts, and I'll post them soon! But if you have any requests, drop them into the comments!

Word count: 1280

🍥🌸inquisitormaster x Reader🌸🍥Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora