Vol. 4 Chapter 12 - A Darkened Mentality

Start from the beginning

Colette however, had managed to keep Matthew ahead, forcing him to absorb the impact of the fall, which further damaged his physical state.

"Hah! How pitiful! The so-called All-powerful director, losing to a 2nd-class elite!"
Matthew's hands clenched into fists, as his eyes soon go dull.

"I don't think so!" Colette yelled as he wrapped her hands around Matthew's neck. In an almost choking manner.

An indescribable stinging sensation traversed his form, as Colette used one of her absorbed artifacts to suppress his negative side which continued to struggle to break free. Ultimately resulting in it dying down almost... Dissipating, Colette landed a punch on Matthew's face causing him to spit out more blood.

Growling noises were soon perceived, Colette stood up straight as she looked around. The chamber that they fell into was a vast lobby-like hall, she scrutinised the surroundings to see dark figures reminiscent of monsters she had already encountered and eliminated before reaching the chamber.

"Heh... Guess it's time for me to go~" she cooed.

"Goodbye, Mr Director," She said with a condescending tone, and she looked up preparing to jump "Guess it's time for me to-"

"Non..." Matthew uttered in French. Colette looked down at him in response. He immediately raised his hands and A heavy rumble was perceived, which caused several of the monsters closing in to stop in their tracks, and for Colette to look up.


One of the last Urestanese men that had survived the fight in the chamber, by hiding, looked around and saw nothing moving, apart from the artifact's hovering atop their pedestals.

His anxious face soon turned to relief, as he exited his spot and stood up.

"Hah! Yes! I survived!" He yelled out.

*crumble* soon enough a crumbling noise caught his attention, he looked down to see the hole at the centre of the chamber, several cracks on the floor appeared before splintering out rapidly.

"W-Woo-Hah!" He uttered as he managed to jump over one splintered crack and he held onto a nearby pedestal. And he continued to observe the cracks instantaneously extend towards the walls.

"W-What is this...?!" He blurted out in shock. Before he looked over to the hole and saw chunks of the floor break off and fall.

"...Mommy..." he uttered, before screaming as the entire floor descended.


Several of the monsters begin retreating from the area upon sighting the descending debris.

"S**t!" Colette cursed as she attempted to evade it. Only for Matthew to accelerate the rate of descent and the floor slammed onto the marble surface creating a deafening impact that traversed the chamber like thunder.

One of the artifacts shattered upon impact and a red shockwave traversed the entire chamber causing much of the nearby organisms to vanish upon being engulfed by the wave.

———Temple Interior, Third Floor———

["Egypt, this is Specter-1 Actual, How copy."] The Special Forces Group Leader said between breaths through his coms, as he is busy patching up a gaping wound on his leg whilst lying against a pillar.

["This is Egypt. Report situation."] The temporarily established operating base soon replied, whilst the noise of repetitive gunfire occur in the background.

["Roger. We have engaged a Class-4 superhuman, Specter-4 has been eliminated, and Specter-7 is suffering difficulty in subduing the obstruction. Requesting back-up, to third subsurface level."]

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