Vol. 1 Chapter 10 - Updates

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Altern town was somewhat in disarray, but are fortunately still standing and in relieved spirits. It's likely they will pull through... But... After the attack, I think will have some difficulty even the town walls were relatively damaged.

"Again, Mr. Matthew, I'm truly grateful for taking care of my daughter, and saving my town. I was... I was not a good mother, being unable to even succeed."

"Oh no... I believe you were quite good as a mother, you've managed to raise your child into a strong one."

She smiled, before glancing at Esther, who was glaring at me.

"Child?" She said with a hint of anger.

"Umm... Y-Yes, I mean... You are a child are you not?"

"Wha?! I- I'm 16! I'am no where near a Child!" She raised her voice slightly.

'You are either younger or the same age as Tommy, So Technically, you are a child.' I thought, but did not dare to say to her.

"H-Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't know... Just by Appearance you look much younger I would say 13-14?"

Esther eventually gritted her teeth in embarrassment, before calming herself down.

"I don't know if I should be offended or pleased, being noted as child means youth, but it also means that you are not mature."

I nodded, before I took a prolonged glance at the town's center

"Umm... Sir Matthew, is something wrong?" Esther's mother spoke to me as we and Esther were sitting by a circular table on the outside dining area of a town restaurant, situated on a porch, The Restaurant was quite anachronistic the system of its food is quite similar to the 20th century, however it had architecture and furniture that coincides with what is capable to Medieval-Fantasy.

Esther knew that I was preoccupied with observing the town a bit.

"Oh... Umm... It's just that your town is, a bit optimistic. Now there is nothing wrong with crops or the municipality, But There seems to be quite some significant damage of your surrounding walls, even if you were to repair it there would be difficult in restoring it using stone."

"Yes, that's true. But our town has high-spirits. And most of us are strong together."

"That's admirable, but... You must take a glance at other possibilities as a precaution. There may be a chance there will be some struggle if this wall were to not be repaired soon." I eventually went into silence for a while, before looking back at them and continuing.

"Actually... There is a little something I think I can use to help your town."

"A little something?" Esther said.


I went to the 'most inconspicuous alley' I could find, to open my Holographic Utility-Statistics Display, or HUD. Actually to be completely honest, this was essentially a video game's HUD in terms of appearance and function, in-fact my name for this panel was essentially a more scientific-sounding version of the original HUD, Heads-up Display.

I looked to my left and right, as a precaution.

"*sigh of Relief* Alright, let me see..." I whispered to myself

Before I held and pressured my left wrist, which then revealed my HUD, I was simply doing this to check any restrictions, and view my Primary & Secondary statistics, but several notifications made me realise.

"H- O-Oh..." I said as I was quite surprised by several notifications

[You have increased in Levels, and have earned titles. All new information were given During, & After the 'Attack on Altern Town']

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