Vol. 2 Chapter 4 - Negotiations

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I felt nauseous, however I was now awake. I slowly opened my eyes to be revealed an unfamiliar ceiling...




And then I felt the extreme coldness of Hypothermic Water.

"D- Aaahhh-! *cough* E-Esther...?" I asked still lying down on the bed

"Yes, it's me." She replied

"*sigh* I just woke up, you didn't need to do that..."

"I didn't know."

"Well, Okay. Just try to poke next time to see if I'm awake or not before you do that?"

"Well your eyes were open, So I don't think I will."

"Wait, so you knew!?" He got visibly annoyed

"Uhh... Hehe..."


I eventually exited the Room, and Kara & Esther greeted me. Kara laid her back on the wall, while Esther stood by her.

"Do you feel fine, Director?"

"Ah, Yes. I'm fine. I just had to remove the Hypothermic Water from my clothing."

"All three of you, please follow me." A maid eventually approached us, I decided not to ask questions at a time like this. This is a different culture from the nomads, this may be important. Kara, Esther, and I followed her.

We eventually arrived at a different room somewhat larger, there two Couches with a low table in-between, one of the couches were vacant, while the other was occupied by three people, a Male donning armour on the left, and two females, one on the right and one in the middle. Two personnel from earlier stood by the vacant couch, while two maids and two guards stood by the occupied couch.

"I'am Order Leader Elizabeth Echethier, I have been waiting to say a formal apology, for... Harming you. I hope we can reach an agreement." The woman in middle said, Elizabeth Echethier

"It's fine Ms. Echethier, We believe it was in accident."

"I must ask, what are your motives, for coming to the town in these vehicles." Eventually the armoured man spoke.

"We were simply going to be trading a few collected items, my friend Esther here has family-history with a certain merchant that lives in this city. However, I did notice battle scars both on your personnel & the defences, It seems you people have underwent some sort of defensive Engagement."

"Ah That's what it is... And Yes... We were under siege by three separate forces combined, however the battle was indeed not as catastrophic." The man said.

"Not as catastrophic?"

"We have a reason to believe they are a minor force, and there may be a larger force or reinforcements coming soon."
"Ah, that is undoubtably a troublesome situation."

"..." Elizabeth looked at me while deeply thinking.


(Elizabet POV)
Those staves... Those two men next to them may be mages of some sort... We need their help. What should I say? I can't sound provocative... I can't sound pitiful... What should I say?


"May we ask you to assist us in defending the City from an upcoming force, to protect the people in this city we must muster up all the help we need." She then spoke, which drew our attention to her.

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