Vol. 4 Chapter 11 - Simultaneous Engagement

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Their identity was already distinguished as Reichian through their.
A tense silence occurred before Matthew soon clenched his fists, clogging both of the men's throats entirely, before quickly putting them down against the floor, fortunately away from view and proceeded to melt their brains.

Blood slowly began to drop from their eyelids before Matthew allowed them to slowly slump to the floor, exercising a bit of his Matter manipulation to prevent their impact from making noise.

"*pant* *pant*" Matthew asphyxiated lightly, at a volume which wouldn't be perceived from the distance between him and the rest. Primarily caused by shock
Simultaneously due to that rather unprecedented brutality at that moment, and how his abilities seemingly got weaker.

He immediately took notice regarding the amount of mental strain and stamina drain just performing it. However he then realised the cause was his simultaneous usage of his abilities, he set his Matter Manipulation to autonomously maintain a sphere of influence over the city to nullify mana communication and weaken mana effectivity.
With a diameter of about 40 kilometres at most, he is essentially stretching himself out.

He shook off the concern for his well-being for the moment as he remembered what needs to be done. And he eventually stepped forward to the pedestal. Matthew carefully performed the procedure to release the artifact from the bonds of the pedestal without causing unnecessary booby traps or alerting the temple's security system, which quite frankly baffled him initially upon being informed by Aurora, but magic tends to do things that would make any science-supremacist annoyed.

"*sigh*... Come on, we don't have much-" Colette, annoyed at the speed Coen is going at, eventually cuts herself off. At the same time, the high-grade mana keeping the teleportation artifact in place was displaced to the point of distortion, as Matthew was already about to do the last step to release it from its bonds.

"We don't have much... What?" Coen uttered at her sudden pause just as he was halfway performing the procedure whilst observing a small pamphlet with the instructions labelled on.

Without warning Colette suddenly drew out a spear and sent two towards the direction Matthew was, He reactively dodged one, however, the other managed to pierce his right arm.

"F...!" Matthew nearly cursed.

"Someone uninvited is here!"

'S**t.' Matthew thought before he used his abilities again to shut the chamber's doors. Many of the men quickly scramble towards the doors, either to prevent them from closing or to escape.

In the process three of the men were crushed as the door closed, only one wasn't crushed entirely only for his legs, starting from below his knees, to be crushed and his scream emanated across the room.

"What the F**k!" Coen said in shock.

"Show yourself!"

Matthew quickly felt significant strain to his mind upon performing that, but nevertheless, he immediately unconcealed himself, while remaining hidden from sight is more preferable by this point, it is necessary to reduce the amount of strain being inflicted.

"Who the hell are-" Colette was about to say as she prepared her weapon.

"Attack!" Coen soon butted in ordering his subordinates to simply charge at Matthew.

"Seriously?" Matthew uttered in annoyance. As he raised his hand, several crescent blades of hyper-accelerated air particles were soon sent towards the attacking men, most oriented at varying angles and were guided in trajectory to prevent themselves from damaging any artifact.

Several men fall to the floor as blood profusely spilled from their severed bodies. The couple of men that haven't been charged were stoned at the sight. Colette expressed a hint of shock, while Coen's expression went dark.

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