Vol. 4 Chapter 10 - Undetected

Start from the beginning

["Director."] Kara's Voice responded through his radio, he immediately relayed from the top of the monument to ground level where Kara stood.

"The U-13 Drones have detected approximately 4,400 Targets within the exterior and interior of the city. Very few civilians have escaped, and a significant number exist in its confines amongst the targets."

"We need to keep this specific operation confidential, It is highly likely they have a mana-com station within the area. Our Anti-Communication Mages have been exhausted in the Territorial Separation effort, including Esther and Akane. Thus we only have conventional means at our disposal for the moment." He Explained.

"Special Forces would be appropriate to dispatch in regard to the specified location and artifacts. However, we have no definitive clue on where the comms station is. None of our drones are capable of mana detection and the process of updating it is still undergoing experimentation for proper function..." Matthew said before continuing.

"Not to mention we have time and caution on our hands." He said

"That temple is the specified location which harbours several artifacts and relics which may serve a significant burden for the 'Clout-making' effort of the operation. And it is highly likely a group may be within its walls either searching or has access to them already."

"What will it be, Director?"

"...I'll be directly involved in the Capture. Mana is an anomalous form of matter, and it is what I'm capable of manipulating. I have a long range of Influence but this Operating base is 5 kilometres short of the city for me to sever mana communication on all individuals within that range of influence."

"Alright then, Director."

"You and your subordinates will be responsible for the Unit Organization and Assault for this Operation. I'll be relaying into the perimeters of the city to effectively disrupt all communications. When they visually acquire you they will either way be helpless." Matthew said.

—Royal Palace, Principality of Urestan—

Much of the Palace was in an uproar with several of Adele's Elites hoping to contain it, to prevent mass hysteria from spreading into the capital. Adele was in her room as she discussed with her subordinates.

She was now experiencing frustration at the catastrophe being disclosed to her.
"-About 22 of our outposts spanning the North-to-south length of Sancerya had effectively been captured by Aurelia, effectively separating us from the Annexation-Occupation Forces in Sancerya."

Adele lowered her head before looking back up.

"What about Colette? The one I sent to participate in the expedition for the sanceryan artifacts?"

"We are still in contact with her, Yes, But what-"

"Maintain That Contact, I want you to send sufficient reinforcements to break through the enemy lines." Adele said.

The Occupation forces were generally under-equipped compared to the main Urestanese Force, which were entirely up-to-date. And the attacks were clearly capitalizing on the element of surprise, so loss was deemed reasonable to Adele who was going for a similar attempt.

"I need you to immediately send messages to all occupation forces to partake in the assaults." Adele ordered.

'F**k... How are these guys so fast...?' She pondered about the basic concept of capturing 22 bases in a span of 3 days.


Several hours have passed as Aurora occasionally gives Matthew updates regarding the individuals inside of the Temple, while his forces are preparing for their rapid offensive into the site. Matthew at-time asked Aurora regarding who they are. However she stated interference caused by the artifacts prevented her from identifying them.

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