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The family travelled for days- days turned to weeks, that turned to months, and years.

Georgie welcomed them with open arms and began to plan out the future. With two architects, it only became easier to do so.

By the first six months, they had already rebuilt three communities and put them in the same trading loop alongside Alexandria, Hilltop, Kingdom, and Oceanside.

Hershel's first word came soon after and the family celebrated immensely.

He was on Daniel's lap, slapping at his lip when he'd proudly exclaimed 'hyung!' when Taeyang walked into the room.

Hana acted upset that it wasn't 'noona' as she'd been trying to coax out of him, but everyone saw her smile.

When winter came around, the family ended up going to Oceanside. Jiyong had made a similar statement as Hana had as he marveled at their own little 'Jeju trip'. 

They had planned to leave after winter let up. Until Hana had begun to grow ill.

It took two weeks until Maggie and Tina had locked the three of them into a house- forcing the youngest of them to take a pregnancy test.

All three cried when they saw the positive sign.

The news was spread that night- the entirety of Oceanside celebrating their once leader's new addition.

Maggie was the one to bring up that it would be safest for them to not move so much while Hana was pregnant and they all agreed. Oceanside was home for the next year until Hana gave birth- though the others were still going out every so often.

A beautiful baby boy who was promptly named 'Shin-Jae Choi'- who had just as many if not more stars in his eyes than his father.

As Taeyang described, 'Jae' for the uncle that fought alongside them- though they called him by 'Shin' most of the time. When Shin was four months old, the family was ready to hit the road again. But, they were adding one and losing one as Daniel decided it was time for him to settle down where he felt like he was at home the most.

A single look between Hana and Cyndie told them everything they already knew.

Once travelling again, the family seemed to drift further and further away. But, by the next year, they'd already helped out another three communities and helped ten survivors find their way to said camps.

At one point, they had gotten split up- Maggie and Hershel going one way, Tina, Ayeon, and Ben another, and Hana, Taeyang, Jiyong, and Shin the other.

When Taeyang and Jiyong had left to scout- trying to find the rest of their family, Hana found herself sick by the water. When the men had returned with the other family members, she was unconscious with Shin crawling beside her.

Ben nursed her back to health and it was another week until they found that Hana was pregnant once again.

With winter quickly approaching, they had to find shelter for the babies as well as Hana. Panicked, Jiyong found a run down street of houses and supplies and began to build their own community from scratch.

The second pregnancy hit harder than the first, but Hana was a fighter and stayed strong through it all. As the others built their new home, it became just that. Home.

Once Jiyong had fixed up enough panels to have electricity, Hana had gone into labor. Ben was out on a run with Tina and Ayeon. Maggie was helping Jiyong with the crops.

Hana and Taeyang welcomed their second child on their own. A perfect baby girl that they soon named 'Sun-Young Choi'.

'Young' for the grandmother that loved her from above- 'sun' for the one her mother had fallen in love with.

Shin and Sun were perfect and Hana and Taeyang slipped into the parental roles with ease, making the whole thing look natural- like they were made for parenting.

With more work, the community grew and grew.

Beth, Noah, and the rest of Noah's family soon joined them- alongside their own little boy, Lucas.

Then, Sasha and Julie joined.

They were reunited as Daniel and Cyndie came together to the new home.

Then, they were welcoming outsiders- people they'd found on the road that needed help. People that were once like them that they now had the ability to help.

'Gidae' was what their community was named.

As Tina reminded, they have to have hope. Now, they lived within the walls of hope, love, and family.

Once he was old enough, Hana gave Glenn's hat to Hershel who only began to look more and more like his father. The two were closer than ever and he had made great friends with his family near his age in Lucas, Shin, and Sun.

The community was nothing, that the Rhee family soon made into everything.

Together, the only way they knew. They were best together. They could do anything together. They were strongest when together.

They could make it together. But, they can only make it together.

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