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"The swelling is down. The medication should be taking hold now so we can return in a few days or so to make sure the fluid is draining," Carson explains, "But, he should stay in the infirmary on bed rest until we know for sure."

Daniel gives a frown, his nose scrunching in disdain.

"I will strap you to your bed," I warn.

His eyes sparkle, a grin on his face and I scoff.

"He feels fine," I inform.

"How can you tell?" Carson asks.

I look back to Daniel who tiredly smiles, closing his eyes.

"I just know," I assure.

"All right," he shrugs off, hovering over Daniel, "You ready to be moved, son? It's a long trip back."

To his side, Daniel's hand comes up enough for a thumbs up. Carson nods, patting his shoulder before turning to the rest of us.

"Whenever we're ready," he nods.

"Let's go ahead and get Daniel loaded then we can get Eugene," Glenn decides.

Daniel hasn't been informed of much of anything, he only knew that Eugene was injured across the hall but that he was also fine. Carson advised us to not fill him in on the rest until he was doing better so he didn't strain himself and have his condition relapse worse than before.

Together, we once again pick up Daniel onto his gurney, making it through the halls and into the parking lot that was now bright as it was well past morning time. Jessie opens the door first before leading us into the camper where we place Daniel down on the bed. Once placed, Carson asks if he's comfortable to which we receive another thumbs up.

"I'll stay with him," Jessie voices, kneeling down beside the bed.

The rest of us leave, returning to the office where Eugene was. The difference between the two was that Eugene was awake- but, that didn't mean he was present. Instead, there was a void in his eyes like he couldn't stop picturing something. And if the past hours were anything to judge, he probably  couldn't stop seeing Abraham die over and over in his head.

"You ready?" Denise asks him.

With a tight jaw, he nods, "Affirmative."

He could walk for the most part, instead only leaning on Daryl, Jesus, and Glenn.

"Hey, do we have.. a blanket? Something?" Tara asks those of us that lingered.

"We can check," Taeyang nods, patting my arm, "Hana."

The two of us split from the rest, going to where the storage room once was. There, we filed through shelves in a silence that is soon broke by Taeyang.

"You holding up?"

"I'm trying to.. It's a lot at once. A lot of different things, too," I sigh, "What about you? Are you okay?"

"I'm trying, too. It feels like we were handed a good thing just to get blindsided by something bad," he expresses.

Daniel's condition was far better than it was days ago but, we lost Abraham. It was like the events were trying to cancel one another out.

Not to mention the deal with Hilltop was made and the compound was taken down just for there to be more Saviors and we had no idea where or how many were left.

"Here," I voice, pulling blankets out from the cabinet.

I hand them up to Taeyang who piles them in his arms until there's no more left and I stand back up straight to take some back and lighten the load from him.

MAKNAE [twd] *editing*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن