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I once again hid in Taeyang's room as he spoke to his grandmother- trying to tell her bye without letting her in on what was really happening in case things went wrong.

Once Taeyang returned, we made our plan. 

Once we made our plan, we put it into action.

The streets were getting fuller and fuller as the sun rose and I found myself feeling a lot more exposed compared to the darkness of last night.

"What is this place?" I ask as he ushers me into a new building.

"This is where he questioned us when we got here," Taeyang whispers, peering through the shelves, "It's clear."

"And we're here, why?" I question.

He doesn't answer at first, trailing to a far side of the room and picking up a gun, attaching a silencer that looked like mine, "You can't be the only one armed."

I scoff, watching as he hides the gun in his waistband behind his back, making sure his jacket covered it.

"You know where his apartment is?" I continue.

"I've been here a day," he reminds, "I'm winging it just like you are."

"Two heads are better than one unless both heads don't know shit, I guess," I huff.

Taeyang cracks a grin, "At least we have the guns and willpower. That's gotta count for something, right?"

I try to keep a stoic face, but a shadow of a smile grows on my lips as well.

"Right?" he asks again, nudging my shoulder, "Right?"

"Right!" I sigh, "Whatever."

Ahead of us, the doorknob twists and opens. Taeyang grabs my arm, pulling us behind a shelf just as the door closes again. A man walks through, sorting through a box. 

When he begins to turn, Taeyang's arm loops around my shoulders from behind, placing his gun to my head.

"Tommy!" he calls.

Panicked, I fight against his hold only for it to grow tighter. 

"Oh shit," the 'Tommy' man gasps.

"I caught her sneaking in. Do you know where the Governor is?" Taeyang asks.

"Shit, shit, shit," Tommy curses, "He's in the holding block last I saw. Martinez is doing rounds to gather everyone for training."

Taeyang nods, stepping closer to Tommy, "I should let him know."

"Do you need help getting-"

Taeyang moves the gun from my head to point at Tommy, shooting the man directly between his eyebrows.

With a choked out breath of relief, I lean back against Taeyang's chest as he lowers the gun.

"That was the dumbest plan we could've ever thought of," I remind.

"Probably," he agrees.

With his arm still around me, he turns me around to face him, "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good," I nod.

Taeyang exhales his own relief before we turn to look at the body on the ground.

"And he was..?"

"One of the main guards. He was at the prison attack. Gloated about driving a van of walkers through your gate," Taeyang explains.

This was the guy that broke the gate down and released walkers in the field. Suddenly, I didn't feel so bad.

"Holding block.. Sound familiar?" Taeyang questions.

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