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Bea and I were the ones to fire the shots that took down each of the men we were meant to.

Then, I knew the full plan was in tact as I saw the explosions from above the trees that Daryl was setting off.

"It's starting," Cyndie breathes.

"The others are at the Sanctuary now," I announce, "It's time for us to move."

The group goes on my cue and we make our way into the woods. The walk felt longer than it probably was until we find ourselves cut off by a fence.

"Cyndie," I call, "You're up."

"Damn right, I'm up," she grins, pulling her gun up.

She places her gun on the chain, closing one eye and aiming. After a second, she fires and the man that stood on guard falls to the ground, dead.

"See, Daniel?" Cyndie looks over to him, "Told you I was a good shot."

Daniel swallows, nodding profusely.

Heather steps to my side, handing me the wire cutters. I cut a strip down the fence before holding it open as everyone makes their way in. Once everyone else is in, Taeyang and I duck through the fence and make our way down the hill.

"Have I ever told you how attractive you look bossing people around?" Taeyang wonders.

I scoff, nudging his arm, "How about you get in line so we can get the job done?"

"Exactly like that," he points, sending me a smile before heading toward the front.

Opening the doors to the compound, we make our way inside. With silenced guns, Bea, Jae, and Taeyang take out the men that lingered in the hall. I give a signal to Heather, Cyndie, and a couple others to move forward- Cyndie had the map and was in charge of finding the armory so the Saviors couldn't fight back. The rest of us line up in pairs by the doors quietly, awaiting the signal that shows they found the armory and it's secure.

Jae holds his hand up after a few seconds and I nod, holding my hand up as well. All eyes draw down the line and fall onto me. Once I see the attention, I wave my hand down quickly. On cue, the doors are being shoved open and bullets shot into the rooms.

Zoe pushes at our door and it doesn't budge. I fire my gun to the doorknob, sending it flying to the floor before kicking it open. Zoe shoots the first man and I take the other. Another man ducks down behind a filing cabinet. I nod to Zoe before stepping in the room. She follows, keeping her gun up as well.

Reaching the filing cabinet, I kick it away, the metal making a loud sound against the floor before Zoe fires multiple shots and takes the man down. I look around the room quickly, scanning the closet, shelves, and under beds- though there was no one hiding.

I nod to Zoe once more and she heads back to the door, looking down the halls, "Clear."

I look to the three bodies on the floor- wondering if this is how Glenn and the others felt when they attacked this compound the first time. As I walk toward Zoe, I catch the board on the wall full of photographs. Polaroids of Negan's victims.

An uneasy feeling settles in my stomach as I wonder if Glenn stood here before. Did he see those photos? The photo of Glenn that matched those on the wall weighs heavy in my back pocket. Instinctively, I reach back to rest my hand there.

Not yet. We're almost there, but not yet

Walking back into the halls, I see everyone else with relieved faces. But, no injuries and our numbers were all here.

As I was about to take a breath of my own relief, a gun suddenly begins firing from down the hall. Zoe's arm wraps around my shoulders, shoving me back into the room we'd just occupied as the others begin to take cover.

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