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Walking through the halls of the Sanctuary, my feelings only grew. Negan built this place on the backs of people he tortured. Part of me wanted to just set this place on fire.

Eventually, Sherry and I made it to the doctor's office where a man stood. He looked similar to the Doctor Carson I knew- though he was definitely a few years older and I could immediately tell that he was the man we were looking for.

Sherry said that we lost too much time in the bar and had to hurry. As Sherry told this Carson that Negan was getting 'the iron' ready, Carson packed his things in a hurry and rushed us back out. We make it to the main room where everyone seemed to be piled. Carson headed to the front beside a large furnace that held fire already inside as Sherry tugged me over to where the rest of the wives stood.

I scan the crowd until I finally find Daryl who had already searched me out and was looking at me He held mop in his hands, leaning against it. He squints his eyes and shakes his head once- a warning for me to leave. And if I could, I would. Just like he would.

In front of him was another man who was tied to a chair- his face full of panic and remorse as he stared at the furnace.

Beside me, Sherry lightly knocks her shoulder into mine to get my attention. I glance to her then back to Daryl as to not draw attention just in case.

"When he comes, you need to stay quiet," Sherry whispers, "And don't move an inch."

"What is all this?" I ask.

"He broke the rules," Sherry sighs, glancing to one of the wives- the one Negan had spoken to and she'd began crying.

It takes a few minutes until a bang echoes through the room, then another, then a third, a fourth, then the final fifth. As the third sounds, the crowd begins to kneel, even Daryl. The only ones who didn't kneel were the wives, myself, and Dwight who stood beside the furnace- staring at the fire.

I look up, seeing Negan walking along the walkway above as Carl followed. I relax a little at the sight of Carl until I look at him clearer. His bandage was gone, leaving his wound open and his expression looked exhausted and drained- probably like what mine held.

Negan holds his bat to Carl and Carl frowns before taking it and keeping it by his side. With a nod, Negan begins to speak.

"You know the deal. What's about to happen is gonna be hard to watch. I don't wanna do it. I wish I could just ignore the rules and let it slide, but I can't," Negan scans the area, "Why?"

My stomach lurches as the dozens of people answer his question in a harmonious, "The rules keep as live."

Negan begins making his way down the stairs, Carl following, "That is right. We survive. We provide security to others. We bring civilization back to this world."

He look around the crowd before finally locking eyes with me, "We are the Saviors."

Negan grins a little before looking around the crowd again as he continues his speech.

"But, we can't do that without rules. Rules are what make it all work. I know it's not easy. But, there's always work. There is always a cost. Here, if you try and skirt it.. If you try to cut that corner!" his voice grows and I spot people flinching on instinct, "Then it is the iron for you."

As he makes it to the bottom step, he demands, "On your feet."

The mass stand up, though they keep in the huddle around the man tied to the chair and watch Negan's every movement.

"D.." Negan calls.

Dwight grabs an iron pick, easing it into the flames. As he does so, Negan puts a glove on. Dwight pulls the tool back out, an iron now donning at the end of the hook. The bottom was bright red and orange, proof of the flames it was skewered in.

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