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"You made it," Deanna smiles as she rushes through the crowd of people.

I stay silent, my hand tightly clutched on Taeyang's sleeve to keep myself grounded as well as to not bump into anyone of the dozens of people shuffling through the room.

"See? Now was that so hard?" she asks, finally in front of us.

I purse my lips, quirking my eyebrows to seem like I was composed though I knew my mouth wouldn't work if I tried.

"It was really nice of you to throw this," Taeyang speaks up, saving me.

It was a multi rescue as Deanna's attention turned to him as well as my own nerves relaxing at the sound of his voice.

"Oh, this is nothing! Just something to give you all a warm welcome into the family," she smiles, "But, I do have to say.."

Her eyes scan over my dress and Taeyang's outfit before glancing somewhere else.

"Your people sure do clean up well.. It's surprising considering the shape you showed up in. I'm impressed," she says with a laugh.

I follow the place she looked, finding Rick speaking to Jessie. Rick had a light colored dress shirt on, my eyes nearly went right over him seeing how cleaned up and and pristine he looked.

An older man walks over, Deanna's face brightening at his presence as they lock their arms together just as Taeyang and I were standing.

"This is my husband, Reg," she introduces, "Honey, this is Hana and Taeyang."

"It's nice to meet you both," Reg smiles, "You have quite the story. Both of you."

"You've heard?" Taeyang asks, ever the gentleman making my head spin with jealousy and awe.

"I've seen the tapes," Reg explains.

"So, how does your new helper look?" Deanna asks Reg.

Reg laughs, looking to me, "She's a strong girl. She'll be a great help."

I look to Deanna, confused.

"I told you I had a job for you, didn't I?" she asks.

Finding my voice, I speak, "Which is what exactly?"

"My assistant," Reg answers, "Your father was involved in stage and set management, correct?"

"Yes, sir," I nod.

"And you've been to his business trips and meetings?"

"Yes sir."

"It's in your blood," he smiles, "You've grown up watching him, you'll be a natural."

"You're also exceptionally well at reading people. Sometimes even putting people in their place," Deanna adds, referring to my talk to her in her office this morning.

"You'll be my shadow- assistant.. Much like Maggie has been doing for my dear wife, here," Reg explains.

I look to Taeyang, making sure I wasn't the only one hearing them correctly. He smiles, giving a supportive nod. I quickly turn my attention back to the couple, nearly bowing again- a habit I needed to break.

"Thank you," I graciously accept.

"Be in the office tomorrow- eight a.m. sharp," Reg points.

"Yes, sir. I'll be there," I assure.

"Well, then I can't wait to start working with you," he smiles.

He and Deanna trade a look, smiling lovingly to each other. Turning back to us, Deanna holds a stern but happy gaze in her eyes.

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