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Three weeks after the farm- 23 days-

Rushing from the car, I pour the water onto the rag and place it on the back of Lori's neck before rubbing her back. She coughs a few more times, a bit more coming up before sitting up straight, rubbing her chest.

"Okay?" I ask, moving her hair away from her face.

"I am. Thank you, honey," she breathes, reaching up to place her hand on mine that held the rag.

I nod, squatting beside her to continue rubbing her back.

The farm has only been gone for about two weeks and Lori's symptoms were more prominent than ever.

Carl was keeping his distance from her and Rick was colder than ever to her. It seemed to be up to Carol and I to be the only ones caring for her through her pregnancy- with the exception of Hershel who was already making a birth plan for when the baby comes.

Glenn finally came clean about everything a couple days ago.

Shane was the father to Lori's baby, Shane was hiding the darkest of intentions when Rick came back, it was Shane that attacked Rick- not the other way around.

I wondered if Shane's reminder of human's being monsters was a way of telling himself that he was better than he was or if he actually believed it and wanted me to join his side and defend him.

Regardless, I knew Rick was not in his right mind by any means. 

He hardly gave Lori the time of day and he threatened everyone the night following the farm's fall.

Rick killed a person- he had officially snapped. Which only confirmed my worries. Killing people wasn't right. And if killing someone would lead me on the path Rick was currently on, I was better off not ever harming a person.

"Honey, can you help me back to the car? I need to rest," Lori clears her throat.

I give a noise of affirmation, placing my arm around her waist and helping her stand. She struggles the way there, her steps slow and dragging as she holds the back of her hand to her mouth.

Once I get the back door open and help her sit down, she curls into a ball immediately, moving the rag around to set over her eyes.

"Thank you, Hana. I'll be here for awhile," she whispers.

"I'm here if you need me," I remind, easing the door closed.

Leaning against the door, I take a deep breath of my own, settling my dizzy head.

"Hey," Glenn calls, stepping around the back of the car.

"Mm," I look up to him.

He narrow his eyes at me, "When was the last time you ate anything?"

"Last night," I lie.

"Did you?" he asks with suspicion.

"Of course," I nod.

He takes a step closer, looking deeper into my eyes. At the pressure, I force a scoff and look away from him.

"What have you been doing with your share?" Glenn asks, crossing his arms.

Guiltily, I look over my shoulder slightly to where Lori was laying.

Glenn sighs, bowing his head in thought, "Hana-"

"She's pregnant," I defend before he could begin the scolding.

"I know that. And you're a kid yourself, you need food, too," he reminds.

"Not as much as her," I deny.

He reaches to his bag, pulling out a brown bag that held Daryl's last hunt- Glenn's share at that.

"Here," he offers, holding out the entire bag.

"You need-"

"Hana, you need it," he argues.

As I begin to argue back, Glenn holds his other hand up to cut me off.

"Don't argue. Eat," he orders, forcing the bag in my hands.

I look down to the bag, trying not to think about how my stomach was growling. With a dry swallow, I shake my head and move to give it back to him.

"Hana," he scolds, grabbing my wrist to stop my advances.

When I stare down to the road under us, I hear him sigh once more. 

"If not now, eat it later. I don't care when- just eat," he says, his tone finalizing.

He grabs the bag from my hand, pulling me to him and forcing the food into my own bag around me.

"If I find out you gave it to someone else again, I'll feed you like a toddler," he warns before walking away.


Trailing through the new house the others had just cleared out, I skim through the bedroom and it's contents.

It was once a boy's room, maybe older than Carl, and covered in baseball memorabilia. At the sight of it all, I ignore the bitter taste in my mouth that reminded my of my father.

Once my head was clear of the painful worries, I grab the metal bat that was mounted on the wall.

Glenn wasn't allowing me to go in with the others to clear the houses we scavenged through because I didn't have a weapon outside of my gun.

With this, there would be no room for more argument.

With a prideful smile that I'd already won the future argument, I move on to the bathroom.

There wasn't much there, either. A few medicine bottles I couldn't read that I placed in my bag for Hershel's inspection, a couple more rags, and ordinary bathroom supplies.

When I come across a pair of scissors, I pause- holding them in my hand. Glancing to the mirror, I take note of my hair that was growing longer. Without a second thought, I step in front of the mirror, snipping my own hair to the length Amy had cut it months ago.

Footsteps approach just as I was running my hand through my hair to get the loose strands out.

Turning, I see Carl watching me carefully, his own bag around him and gun in his hand.

Silently, I finish my hair and pick my bag and bat back up, leaving the room without a look to Carl.


When we arrived to the new house another two weeks after the last one, I followed behind Daryl to the door.

Just before I could make it on the porch, Glenn grabs my arm, pulling me back.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asks.

I tilt my head, a grin on my face as I hold my bat up, "To clear the house out."


"You said I couldn't go in as long as I didn't have a silent weapon. You said if I found one, I could start helping. I have one now. So, I'm going to help," I remind him of his own ultimatum

With his own words coming back to haunt him, he sighs, "Stay close to me."

With a winning smile, I place my bat on my shoulder, following behind Glenn into the house.


𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓇 𝓇𝒶𝓂𝒷𝓁𝑒𝓈--

just a snippet of how hana is doing in the time skip a little taste if you will

i love my angsty teen ive raised 😭

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