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Settling into the quarry camp was easier than I anticipated, but it still came with a few flaws.

For starters, English was a slow process and I learned staying in Glenn and I's tent and studying was the best way to spend my time if I wanted to speed the process up.

Then, the other people here.

Dale, Andrea, Amy, and Jacqui were nice, I had no problem with them. Andrea and Amy even included me when they would go fishing as to let me near the water that they knew I loved.

Of course, T-Dog and Jim were great as well as we'd already been through things together. But, I could see that losing his wife was taking a bigger toll on Jim with each day that passed.

Merle and Daryl, who originally brought us in, seemed to vanish. The brothers spent most of their time in the woods hunting and even when in camp, their tents were further out than the rest of us.

The Morales family were a group that I didn't see much of. With three languages in the mix, it was difficult to form any sort of communication with them- even using both sides bits of English we could decipher.

Carol and Lori stuck together often and I saw them mostly when doing school work. 

Shane was always busy, but kept things together to the best of his ability. I would see him most when he would help Carl and I- occasionally Sophia as well, learn small survival skills. Knots, traps, and even holding knives were among his small lessons, but he said he didn't want to intrude too much when we didn't need it just yet.

Sophia and Carl tried and I thank them for it. They knew what happened to Angela and how the rest of my family were unreachable, Carl even trying to relate as he told the story of his father getting shot at work and put into a coma. Last Carl saw, his father was still in the hospital and he figured to go on as though the man was dead. All learned through Glenn's translations, of course.

But, the adults had a habit that didn't sit right with me all the way and it included none other than my own brother.

"It's a big group going. You went on the run last week by yourself," I frown, watching as Glenn packs his bag.

"It's a big group going meaning they'll need more help in protecting each other," he reminds.

"They always make you go," I complain.

"That's because I'm good," he shrugs.

Strapping the bag around his back, he gives a smile, "I'll be fine."

"That doesn't make it fair."

Glenn sighs, kneeling down in front of me, "I have to do this, Hana."

"Am I being to selfish for not wanting my only family in danger every week because other people need batteries?" I question.

"Angela went back to save someone. Me going there is saving the people here. I'm doing as she would want," he explains.

"I know that's your point, but.." I trail off, not having an argument.

It was selfish, I knew it was. He was going there to get supplies needed to help every person in the camp. But, considering he goes back into the city that we lost Angela in nearly every week was frustrating. I lost one sibling in those streets, I didn't want to lose another.

"How about this? If you can prove that you are studying really hard, I'll let you come with me next time," he offers.

"How do I prove that?" I ask, already ready for the challenge.

MAKNAE [twd] *editing*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora