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When I saw Lori getting ready to cut Carl's hair, I went to Amy.

"Hi, Hana," she forces a smile, still stressed for Andrea's well being.

"Can you.." I point to Carl and Lori, "For me?"

"Cut your hair?" she asks, reaching up to hold small lock of my hair.

I nod, reaching up to my shoulder, "To here?"

"Sure, I'll get some scissors," she expresses, holding her two fingers up in the motion for the tool, "Come on."

Amy holds her hand out and I take it. We walk together to she and Andrea's tent and she shuffles through her bag of bathroom supplies- scissors, razors, a brush and other things lay inside as well. Once she has the scissors and a brush, she leads us back out the tent, sitting down on the ground. I follow her lead, sitting down in front of her.

"Here?" she asks, holding her hand in the same spot I'd held mine earlier.

"Yes, please," I nod.

"Okay.. Stay still," she says, lightly holding my arms to keep me in place before moving her hands to my hair.

I don't move, hardly breathing, even, as she sets to work. She's nearly halfway through the bigger cuts before speaking up.

"Why the hair cut?" she asks.

Piecing her words together, I answer, "My sister."

Amy's hands pause before continuing, "Sister? Angela?"

Amy had also heard the story when the four of us arrived to camp, so she knew what happened.

"Hers.. Like this," I explain, holding my hand back up to my shoulder.

Angela had always had shorter hair, never letting it get too out of hand. With her job in fashion designing, she always said that the longer it got, the more it got in her way.

Amy hums, "Got it."

We fall back into silence as she finishes. Once she's done, she brushes through to get all the loose strands out, running her hand over my shirt to get the hair off there as well.

"There," she says.

"Thank you," I say, shaking my head, enjoying the twirl the new length made around my face.

Amy laughs, running her fingers through my hair, appreciating her own work like I just was. As she sets her hands in her lap, giving a small smile.

"They're okay.. Andrea.. Glenn," she says.

"My brother," I sigh a little, "He's like me. We want to be like Angela."

Amy nods, peeking through the trees to see where Jim was. Again, she knew the story- how Angela died to save someone else.

"Glenn is strong. I.." she pauses, "I trust him with her. With Andrea."

I nod, "Andrea is strong. I trust her with Glenn."

Amy smiles, much more genuine than before.

"Wait for them?" I ask, pointing back up to camp.

"Sure," Amy laughs, helping me stand up.


I sat under the awning of the RV, studying as per usual, while glancing to Amy's pacing figure every so often. It was almost like she couldn't contain her nerves and had to keep moving in order to cope.

I was looking at the trail of footstep she was making when the sirens in the distance were able to be heard. Shane yells up to Dale who brings his binoculars up to see. I set my book down as Amy holds her hand out for me and I quickly rush to her side.

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