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For what was nearly half an hour, dad and I could only hold one another tight and cry. Then, we began the stories of how we got where we were. Somewhere between that, dad's happy tears turned to heartbreak as I told him of Angela and Glenn's deaths.

Then, the tears disappeared at once when he learned that Glenn was murdered and not taken down by a walker.

"How did it happen?" he asks with a rough voice.

I look up from where we sat on the floor to Glenn's picture that still sat on the jesa stand.

"He was just going to get his wife and their things. We said that we would see each other soon.. Those people- they call themselves the Saviors, found him and a couple others in the woods. Some of the others from the group, too. Made them all kneel and their leader gave a speech about how we are supposed to provide for them or else. First, the guy killed on of our friends- Tyreese. He'd been with us for years, his daughter is here with me now."

"Then, the guy threatened oppa's wife. One of our group members got up to protect her- they said if it wasn't Daryl then oppa himself would have gotten up. The leader said that they didn't get the point so.." I try to breathe through the words, "So, he killed oppa."

Though I wasn't looking at dad, I could tell he was trying to understand everything- from the travelling years, to Angela's death, to the pain of everything else, to Glenn being married, to Glenn's death, and everything in between.

"The man tried to make him an example?" dad clarifies, "A 'do what I say or else this happens to you'?"

"Mm," I nod, "The others brought his body back to us at Hilltop. That's where we're all staying now until this is all over."

"And Glenn has a wife?"

"A pregnant wife," Tina speaks up, also across the floor from us, "I talked to her a lot while there. She's an amazing woman. Incredibly strong, but.. But, she's leading this community on her own. She's lost her husband, she nearly lost the baby, she's still pregnant, and is going through a war. I hate that we left her behind."

"She's pregnant?" dad asks.

"It's gonna be a boy," I smile softly, "Oppa was really excited."

"And Maggie, his wife, has been helping Hana since they lost Glenn. When.." Tina trails off, "Never mind."

"What?" dad asks and I give her a look, also wondering what she might've brought up with Maggie.

Tina looks to me nervously, "It's just.. That guy- the leader.. He.. He had Hana.."

My eyes fall to the floor, cringing as I remember the day at the Sanctuary.

"'Had'? What does that mean?" dad asks and I could feel his eyes on me.

"There was a guy that used to be with our group. He kind of went out of his mind and left. He ended up finding them and when the Saviors came to Hilltop, he recognized me and.." I sigh stressfully, "They took me to the place. I was with the leader. We talked and I tried so many time to kill him and I couldn't get it done."

"Did he hurt you? Did he say anything out of the way to you?"

The photo in my pocket nearly screams to be recognized and I find my words going void. The picture of Glenn, the wounds on my back, the bruises on my arms, the cut on my hand.. That entire trip left me scarred in every way possible.

Dad takes my silence as an answer on it's own, sighing and running his hands over his face, "I'm going to kill him."

"No!" I jump, looking to dad with wide eyes.

MAKNAE [twd] *editing*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora