Chapter 31 - Circuit

Start from the beginning

Rose sighed, "If Harry will not let you look for him –then why would it matter if I brought him back? He will still kick Louis out –possibly kill him."

"Not if he is pregnant?" Julie closed her eyes, "once Harry sees him –he will not let him go." She opened them, "I do not think he is upset that he lied. I think he feels betrayed because Louis left. When Harry found out, he was heartbroken. But he brought Louis back inside –they slept together. I do not know if they spoke but –they were together that night and in the middle of the night, he was gone." Julie groaned, "He just wanted a fucking kid."

Rose got off of Julie and the alpha whined making Rose still. She tilted her head at the alpha, "Julie?"

"Do not," Julie arched her back slightly, goosebumps covering her flesh, "come back."

Rose did, putting her leg around Julie's, "I have not heard you whine in a very long time." She rubbed her nose along her soft cheekbone, "such a beautiful sound."

Julie did it again, sighing when Rose slid her hand down her stomach. "Rose –please –I just need it to," Julie moaned as the hand went lower. "A distraction but-"

"But," Rose licked away a tear, whispering, "I know how much you love Harry." She pressed her fingers inside the alpha, closing her eyes at the sound, "I will find Louis."


"You," Harry took a big breath, running a hand through his hair, "why? I thought-"

"It was before I knew –I swear!" Louis groaned when he was shoved away, "Harry, please! Alpha!"

"Do –not –call me that right now." Harry put a hand on his forehead, "I trusted you –what if –I was in rut, you can be –what is wrong with you!" Louis flinched, hugging himself. "I fucking –I love you and you," Harry screamed, squeezing his hands into fists. "I just told you!"

"I did not do it to trick you, Harry. I –I took it during your rut, I did! I took four!"

"Four! What –Elements forbid you have a baby! –Four, are you stupid!"

Louis sobbed, reaching out for him, "please –alpha."

"Stop calling me alpha!" Harry grabbed him with both hands, lifting him off the ground, turning around at the movement behind him. "Stay where you are."

The twins faltered, stepping closer and Zayn stepped in front of them. "Harry, put him down."

"I said, stay where you are."

"You are hurting him." Zayn shook his head, "I will take you down."

Harry set the howling omega back on the floor, walking towards Zayn. "Will you? For a thief –you will hurt your King, for him?" Harry's eyes were bloodshot, tears streaming down his puffed cheeks. "A liar –over your King?"

Zayn swallowed hard, "were you not just about to do the same to your family? For a thief and a liar –were you not just about to kill us?"

Harry wobbled, taking shallow breaths, looking at them one by one, then back at Zayn.

"We have no idea if he is actually pregnant, Harry." Zayn stood up straight, "this could all be a mistake –and if he is, you will never forgive yourself."

Harry opened his mouth, voice cracking, "I –I need to lay down." He turned around to Louis, a mess of tears and snot on the grass. Harry walked over slowly, turning around when he heard another sound. "I need to lay down with my omega –just –stay off of the second floor..." Harry picked Louis up carefully, kissing his forehead before walking on unsteady legs into the house.

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