Chapter 21 - Itty-Bitty

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Louis opened his eyes wide in the mirror, "good." He touched under his eyes; his bags were finally completely gone. He squeezed some lotion into his palm, rubbing it over his smooth arms, "mm."

"Omega." Harry entered the bathroom in his gold robe. "Liam and Niall are here with your robe."

Louis smiled, putting a hand on Harry's bare chest. He tiptoed, kissing the tall alpha, "how do I smell?"

"Very good, like vanilla."

Louis pushed their noses together, "I love you."

Harry stroked Louis' earlobe, "they are waiting." He took Louis' hand from his chest, walking him into the bedroom, "I have him."

Louis smiled tenderly at the red-eyed two, "from here it looks beautiful, Liam."

Liam nodded uneasily, removing the garment from the plastic, "thank you."

It would be hard now but Louis knew it was worth it.

Louis walked closer, opening his arms, closing his eyes as the soft material caressed his skin. "I like it." He lifted his arms so Liam could tie it, flared sleeves sliding up his arms, "it is warm."

Harry took his hand, twirling him, "it is beautiful, Liam. You have out done yourself once again."

Liam gave a weak smile, Niall silent behind him, "thank you."

Harry stood Louis in front of the mirror, standing beside him, "there are matching."

Louis touched the jewels, "it fits me much better." He giggled, "I love it. Thank you, Liam."

Liam nodded, "you are welcome."

Louis pressed his back against Harry's chest, sighing when Harry wrapped his hands around his stomach. "Liam, I have no idea what emotions you are feeling –neither Niall." The blonde looked up. "But, Harry meant what he said. Do not question it, be happy –stop trying to question it. Take it as a sign of hope," Louis looked up, "of love and of a merciful King." He smiled, looking back at the two, "I had never heard of a triad and I am sure if it existed in Wereborn they would have killed the ones involved, but not here. Your King is merciful, more importantly –Harry is your family. He wants you to be happy."

Harry laid his chin on Louis' head, "just as you want me to be happy. Things will change, I am a King of change. This is a step." Harry wrapped his arms a little tighter, "I have never been bothered by you three, never, that was never the problem so please –do not feel afraid to show your feelings for each other." He moved from behind Louis, going to Niall when the omega started crying first.

Louis crossed his fingers in front of him, "I will wait here, alpha."

"I will be back." Harry walked them out of the room and Louis fell onto their bed.

He touched over each jewel, looking up at the ceiling. The day was eventful but like Harry said, a step –in the right direction.

Now that that problem was solved, Louis had to worry about the castle tomorrow. He quickly jumped off the bed, going to the closet –their closet. Louis still didn't have enough clothes to have a 'side' of the closet but he did have a little spot where his clothes hung. His clothes were much more colorful than Harry's, lots of soft pastels compared to Harry's gold, white, and black.

Louis looked through each shirt, taking out one short one and one tunic. He laid it over his arm, taking down two pairs of capris and one pair of leggings. Louis grabbed one more shirt because it looked fancy. It was white and exposed his shoulders; he believed Liam called it an 'off the shoulder' shirt.

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