Chapter 26 - Love You

Start from the beginning

"Please, alpha, one more." Louis took another couple of bites, half of his bread gone. "Mm!"

Harry licked him again, taking a bite of the crispy treat, "no." He chewed, ignoring Louis' flaring anger at him stealing his food. "We will have lunch soon."

"You ate a bite." Louis half-growled, "a big bite."

"It is good." Harry tried to take another bite but Louis moved it away.

"Stop it." Louis pouted, "Want another one."

Harry cupped his cheek, "we will have lunch, you cannot have another one."

The artist looked down at his food then at the stand, "okay..."

Harry grabbed his chin, kissing him, "do not be upset. We can have a different dessert after lunch."

Louis groaned, pushing his face against Harry's chest, "fine."


"May I hold your hand?"

Harry took Louis' smaller hand in his, "you never need to ask."

Louis smiled, swinging their entwined fingers as they walked, "we cannot go far." Louis looked back, "or we will miss our name being called."

"One of the twins will come and get us, do not worry."

Louis nodded, stopping when they reached an old bench, "sit?" He sat first and Harry sat beside him. Louis took a deep breath, closing his eyes at the sun, hotter now then it was before. He was feeling a little off because of being outside for so long and he was also starving.

"Will you tell me what you and Jackson spoke about now?"

"Yes, for a kiss." Louis could hear Harry's smirk before the alpha pecked his lips. He smiled slowly, opening one eye, "we spoke about me, about him –about you, about his omega, Linda. He even gave me his omega's lemonade recipe."

"I will leave him be, maybe a different farmer will be interested."

"It is not that he is not –interested would not be the word." Louis twisted his mouth, "His omega is dead, and she died with dislike for you. That is all he has, and to help you would almost be a betrayal to the being he loved." He looked at his alpha, nudging Harry softly, "I think he may just like your visitations so maybe just –visit."

Harry nodded, "thank you."

Louis smiled, shrugging, "I have to do my best while I am here, right?"

Harry smiled, putting a hand on Louis' knee, "that is right and you are doing very well, Louis."

Louis jumped when a girl ran up to them, hands behind her back. He smiled slowly, slightly disturbed by the wide eyes, "hello."

"Hi..." The girl, an omega, spoke, "I just wanted to say hello." She bowed to Harry then Louis, "and –and," the omega blushed bright pink, "I wanted to say you are super –super pretty."

Louis' smile crept up on his face, surprised by the compliment, "oh, thank you very much."

The girl reached out, pointing at Louis' shirt, "I can see your tummy."

Harry chuckled, leaning forward, elbows on his knees. "I told him the same thing."

The omega giggled into her hands, "It is pretty."

"Thank you, I told him that." Louis put his hands between his thighs, "what is your name?"

"Ginger." She shook her long curly red hair, "because of my hair."

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