Chapter 9 - Exception

Start from the beginning

Louis looked the omega up and down; his body was full –he was very good looking. He was taller than Louis –lips fuller. The omega looked confident and Louis almost rolled his eyes at his own insecurity.

"It is fine." He rubbed his sleepy eye, unsure of how long he was asleep. "I wanted to walk the castle."

The omega half-smiled, "yes, of course."

Louis walked to the door, pausing before turning around, "you –I have met you before." The omega went pale. "At the house..." Louis tilted his head, "what is your name?"


Louis nodded once, "have a good day." He closed the door behind him, touching his stomach to soothe the jealousy that threatened to erupt from it.

He almost ran down the hall, afraid the omega would begin questioning him. His feet slowed down to a walk, taking time to look around the halls. There were several paintings on the wall –stunning art work from all over.

His eyes came to a painting from Heldor. He closed his eyes, touching over the thick paint –jealous of how gorgeous the work was. He stepped back to look at it better.


It was the type of art Louis had done at the house. He loved this style, loved using ridiculous amount of paints to create texture and dimension. He would make it a goal to paint as much as he could while living with Harry. He could finally be selfish.

"Oh, please excuse us."

Louis moved back when two people ran past him. He walked behind them, curious as to where they were off to. "Excuse me."

The women stopped, turning to bow, "Louis."

Louis bit his cheek, "where is everyone running to? Is there an event?"

"Our King has invited several of his people to the castle for lunch today." The woman looked up, slightly distressed. "We must make sure everything is in order."

"Oh." Louis pouted, "The people of Arizella?"

"Yes, omega."

Louis squinted at her, confused. "Just –random people?"

She gave him a look now, more confused. "Yes, our King always has lunch with his people at the castle. We were just not expecting it today."

"Oh." That was weird. He stepped back, "sorry, for interrupting."

"Not at all, omega." The two continued down the hall and Louis went the opposite direction.

There were many stairs in the castle, large stairs –carved marble stairs. He walked downstairs, fur now over his shoulder. He stepped back when two others ran past. Louis looked around before stepping onto the cold floor.

He should have put his shoes back on.

Louis' small feet made no sound against the marble floor –the floor was hand done. It was beautiful, bright white with gold design. He watched his feet, careful to avoid the many bodies.

A headache was forming in his frontal lobe from the amount of smells surrounding the open space. He tried ignoring it, turning down a new hallway.

Harry went overboard with the art. There was a lot of art in this castle, it didn't bother him the slightest but it was a whole-lot overboard.

He found a window with a seat, tucking himself inside to get away from the staff. Louis was grateful that he was left alone –ignored.

The omega took out his sketch book again, bringing his knees to his chest. Since he had the house sketch finished, he could start on Harry's eyes.

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