"Sure." He squeezed his bread, dragging his feet to Harry's room. He paused before opening the door, knocking and stepping back. He rocked on his heels, hands behind his back while he whistled. "Hello?"


Louis opened the door slowly, looking around. "Anyone here?"

Harry rolled his eyes, ripping his bed sheets off. "You are obviously blind."

Louis smiled wide, annoyed, "anyone else here other than his Lord and Savior –the best most important King to ever walk foot on our good earth?" He dogged the pillow thrown at him, "is your friend here –was my question?"

"He is not my friend and he is not here."

Louis sniffed the air, "smells like it." He strolled up to the bed, "is this what sex smells like? Because it is awful."

"Ugh," Harry threw another pillow at him, "shut up."

Louis shrugged, stepping over the pillow. "It is an honest question." He stood beside Harry, holding out his bread, "I brought you half."

"No thank you."

"But I did not eat it –just for you."

Harry looked from Louis to the bread and back up, "no thank you."

Louis pouted, sitting on the mattress, "why are you changing the sheets?"

"Because they are dirty."

"Because you had sex on them?"

Harry dropped the fitted sheet to the floor, "yes, because I had sex on them."

Louis nodded slowly, picking at his bread that made crumbs on his lap. "Is sex always dirty?"

Harry dropped his head, laughing, "No –it is not."

"What made it dirty?"

"Louis, get off of my bed –now."

Louis stood, moving aside, "are you –supposed to be having sex with other omegas when you are supposed to have sex with me?"

Harry turned around, taken back, "excuse me?"

"My heat will come soon and –I assume we will mate. That is how it works, right?" Louis took big bites of his food, finishing it off. "I am not sure how this works –but –are you supposed to have sex with others?"

Harry sat down, half-smiling, "does it matter?"

"I do not know, that is why I am asking you."

The alpha covered his grin, "this is funny." Louis huffed softly. "I do not think it matters when it involves us."

"Oh," Louis wiped the crumbs off his shirt, onto the floor. "I see."

"You may pick that mess up."

"Why are you cleaning the sheets?"

"I already told you."

"Yes, but why not make Niall do it or Liam?"

"Because I clean my own messes."

"So it was a mess?"

Harry laughed, "Elements, what is going through your brain?"

Louis kicked his leg back and forth, "I do not think it is –okay –that you sleep with others."

"Yes –why is that?"

"Because will the smells not begin to confuse you?" Louis shook his head, "I am used to your smell now, your smell is almost everywhere." He sniffed the air, "in your room it is especially strong but now –now all I smell is –is –a mess."

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