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"Should we," he motioned at the door in front of us. There was supposed to be a long dining table behind these doors, or at least that's that I saw during the tour.

"Yeah sure," I said squeezing his right hand a little. He then placed his hand on the door and slowly pushed it open so we would be able to fit through.

Stepping into the room I watched my legs so I wouldn't stumble and embarrass myself. But looking up I realised it was the least of my concerns.

There were a lot more people than just one. Almost like a some kind of gatheri- Draco?!

What the hell is Draco doing here?!

"Who are all these people?" I quietly turned to Theo.

"Family friends," he said shortly.

"Draco is your friend?" I was a little lost. At school it didn't seem like it.

"Family friend," he repeated. Alright so they know each other before Hogwarts. I could've told you that, why else did he talk about him.

"Which one is your dad?" I asked when we walked past some of the people at the big dining table towards the end.

"Father? At the end of the table," he motioned towards the end.

The man was in all black, back towards me. Even the hood of the robe was up. In fact all the people here were wearing black. I felt kind of out of place with my yellow sweater.

Walking past the blonde hair, we were getting pretty close. I could already reach him.

"Father," Theo said, getting his attention.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and stayed still. He was slowly turning around. But I couldn't yet see his face. The darkness of the room itself was not a helping factor.

He was fully turned around and was now facing us. The hood covered his face still.

"So this is Y/n. I've been meaning to meet you," he said in a pretty low a little raspy voice.

"Me too, it's pleasure to finally meet you," I put out my hand for him to shake.

From behind me on the left I heard one of the chairs move. I turned around, while still keeping my hand out. Draco had stood up a little, but the lady with half blonde and half brunette hair was pulling him down a little.

I heard a longhaired guy from his other side say 'sit down Draco'.

Draco's eyes stopped on mine and I was confused. Ideally he wouldn't even be here, so why was he. And who were all these other people? Why are they here?

I was still holding my hand out in hopes I'd get a handshake, but I didn't. He just looked at me. I think. The hood was kind of covering his face.

"Sit down," Theo said pulling me a little towards the two seats on his dad's right. He sat down on the one that was next to him and I sat next to Theo.

Now I got an even closer look of the people at the table. They all looked somewhat scary. I mean I'm not trying to be rude, but they didn't exactly look friendly.

The one next to me had very messy black curly hair. She also had a somewhat of an odd smile to her when she looked at me.

I smiled and introduced myself, but she let out a hysteric laugh. That kind of caught me off guard not gonna lie.

But then I saw Draco, sitting a couple of chairs away from me over the table. He was looking at me.

His hands seemed to be clenched into strong fists and his eyes were intense. Weird to think I hadn't seen him for a while. I guess not much has changed. I still wonder where he was. Just chilling at home?

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