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"Cute," I responded shortly with a smirk. "Get out!" He said pushing me away from him. "With pleasure," I replied and walked away to the stands.

I heard Draco walking away to the changing room. I walked up the stairs to the stands.

"Oh finally," Ly said waving for me to go there. "What took you so long?" Blaise asked. "I couldn't find my sweater," I chuckled.

All the players were already on the field, but they couldn't start without Draco.

Everyone was getting impatient. "Where is Draco?" Blaise asked as he looked at me. "Why are you looking at me? I have no idea," I said.

"He's coming!" Ly said looking over the edge. Draco was running to the field. He sent me an angry look.

Soon Draco kicked himself off the ground and they were all ready for the practice match to start.

Then madam Hooch released the balls and the match begun. All the Slytherins around me were chanting Draco's name, as he was the seeker. So were Blaise, Ly, and Hayes.

I was kind of hoping Cedric would catch the Snitch. I mean it was a practice so it didn't matter anyway.

Slytherin got a lot of goals, but so did Hufflepuff. Draco and Cedric were both keeping their eyes on the snitch and they were both chasing it with their arm out.

Then all of a sudden they both stopped. The Snitch disappeared.

"Where's the Snitch?" I heard people from behind me getting frustrated.

I kept looking at Cedric and Draco. They were both just sitting on their broom and waiting for the Snitch to reappear.

Then I saw Draco looking at me from the field. He raised his eyebrows, mouthing me to better start cheering.

I just smiled and nodded to him before turning my head away. I wasn't gonna cheer for him.

After a bit of waiting the Snitch finally reappeared and they started chasing it again. Draco and Cedric were just doing circles around the field trying to catch it.

Then they started bolting up like 90 degrees. Soon no one could see anything but a yellow and a green dot.

The announcer had to take out binoculars. "Diggory has caught the Snitch!" He announced.

"Yessss!!!" I cheered with everyone else but Slytherin.

"Why are you happy?" Hayes asked as all the Slytherins looked at me.

"I mean it's a practice. It doesn't matter," I explained and kept cheering for Cedric as he and Draco were flying down.

Everyone landed and went back to their changing rooms. Hayes, Ly, Blaise, and I also made our way through the crowd down the stairs.

"Let's go," Ly said. They all looked kind of bummed because of the loss. "I'm gonna catch you guys," I said. They looked at me weird at first but then nodded and walked back to school.

Most of the people went back to school, but some stayed.

I made my way towards the Hufflepuff changing room and saw Hufflepuffs coming out of there. I was hoping to catch Cedric.

Luckily I didn't have to wait long. After a couple of minutes, Cedric walked out of the changing room.

"Cedric! You were so good!" I said as I ran to him and hugged him. "You weren't a bad audience either. Thanks for cheering for me. It helped a lot," he said as we kept hugging.

But we were interrupted.

"You again!?" I heard someone from behind me. I right away broke the hug and turned around to see who it was.

It was a brunette Ravenclaw girl. I didn't know her, but she seemed to know me.

"Excuse me?" I was confused.

"It's really true what they're saying. You can't keep your hands off of anyone's boyfriend," she said angrily, with tears in her eyes.

"But I-" I was interrupted. "I don't wanna hear it. I can't believe I even defended you in front of other Ravenclaws!" She raised her voice.

"But I didn't do anything!" I was trying to clear things. "Cho," Cedric then walked up to her, but she pushed him away.

"I don't want to talk to you!" She said.

"Cedric is just my friend," I was trying to explain myself.

"I saw you guys!" She yelled. Was she who I saw? "I saw Cedric giving you a piggyback ride," she started crying more.

"No it's just that, I was barefoot and-" I was interrupted again. "I don't care!" Cedric was trying to tell Cho that it isn't like she thinks.

"Come with me Y/n," All of a sudden Draco said as he stopped next to us and looked at me with an even angrier look.

"I'm kind of in the middle of something right now," I snapped back at him.

"You're coming," he spat as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from Cho and Cedric.

"I'm not coming anywhere!" I said as I tried to stop him from dragging me.

"Yes you are," he said through his teeth and dragged me with him towards the school.

"Let go of me," I demanded as I was trying to keep myself from wincing in pain.

Draco didn't say a word and kept pulling me towards the school. "Let go of me!" I yelled, pulling back. "When I say you're coming with me, you're coming with me," he said turning his head but didn't stop.

"Slow down then! I'm not in the mood for running," I said as I tried to pull him back.

He then started walking a little slower, but it wasn't really helping. The grip around my wrist was so strong, that I could feel all the rings leaving marks on my skin.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I practically ran behind him. No answer. He pushed open the door and we went down to the dungeons. Luckily we're going to the common room.


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