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"Of course. You can come spend Christmas with our family if you want to," she offered. That was incredibly nice of her, but I couldn't do that. I couldn't stay with them for the whole break. Harry was already there.

"I'm fine here. I don't want to be a trouble," I said politely. "You can't cause any more trouble than these two," She pointed at Fred and George. They smiled at each other proudly and everyone else chuckled.

"But Harry is already and I really don't want to interrupt a family thing," I said.

"We would be happy to have you with us during Christmas. I won't be able to sleep when I know that you are in here alone not even having anything to eat," she said. Geez how good it made me feel that she cared so much.

"Well if it won't be any trouble I would be happy too," I smiled. Everyone started cheering and George picked my bags back up. "Back to the car then," Mr Weasley said.

Everyone got out of the house and I locked the door behind me. "Thank you for the help George," I said seeing that he was still carrying my bags. "No problem," he walked up to the car and put them back again.

"Home base burrow!" Fred said as we both got inside. The car was back to invisible and we were back in the air. Flying over familiar places towards the Weasley home. I was excited to see where they live.

We flew for another hour or so and then it was finally time to land. Landing was fun. Much cooler than how we did it before.

"Welcome back kids," Mr Weasley looked at the house and then at his kids. The house had a lot of stories, but it was a very weird shape. It's like it didn't even really have a shape.

It had a lot of different colors and different sized windows. It looked very unique. I loved it. It felt like home. Although not mine, I could still feel it.

There were also two pigs outside of the house. "Welcome to the Burrow!" Mr and mrs Weasley both turned to me. Was it not Harry's first time in here? That is so cool that they spend Christmas together.

We then went inside. The inside was even better than the outside. A lot of colours and a lot of stuff everywhere. But like cool stuff. Not like modern and neat like the muggle houses that are built right now. It was very different from those.

"You can sleep in my room Y/n. I figured you don't want to sleep with boys," Ginny pointed at Harry and Ron.

"Oh you can also sleep in our room," Fred winked jokingly. "Oh stop it guys," mrs Weasley stopped them. "Tempting, but I think I'll live with Ginny," I responed also jokingly.

Ginny brought me upstairs into her room. Even from the top room you could see straight downstairs. That was the coolest part.

Ginny showed me her room and it was so beautiful. A lot of quidditch stuff on the walls halfway even covering the window. There was an extra little bed in the corner that I would be sleeping in. I was so happy to be there. And Ginny seemed like a cool person to share a room with.

"You can put your things down here and then let's go eat. I'm starving," she read my mind. I was hungry too. I quickly put my bags and a suitcase down on the floor next to my bed and we rushed downstairs.

"Bloody hell!" Said a voice as I pumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry I didn't see you. I'm so sorry," I looked up and saw a unfamiliar face. He didn't go to Hogwarts. Or at least I had never seen him before.

"Oh no problem, sorry," he said looking at me. "I'm Percy," he put out his hand. "Y/n," I shook it.

"Everyone come on down, food's getting cold!" Mrs Weasley yelled. Everyone started rushing down the stairs and to not get stomped over so did I and Percy.

On the table there was fried chicken and baked potatoes. It wasn't anything fancy, but it looked very welcoming. "Here you go Harry dear," I heard mrs Weasley placing potatoes on Harry's plate. "Y/n dear, do you want beans?" She turned to me. "Yes," I said and she put some beans on my plate.

"So, what are the Hogwarts news?" Mr Weasley asked. Everyone started talking about their year so far and what they have either learned or done. Twins even told them about some of their pranks. It was funny to see mrs Weasley sighing and gasping at them.

Harry and Ron were talking about some pretty interesting stuff. I think I should hang out with them more often, their lives seemed to be pretty cool.

"How has Hogwarts been treating you Y/n? Is it any different from Beauxbatons?" Mr Weasley asked. "Uh, it's very different. It's been fun, been learning a lot of stuff and gotten a lot of new friends," I summarized it as I would've liked it.

To be honest all these things were in there, but just mixed with a shit ton of drama and yelling. But they don't need to know about that.

"You know, I actually used to be the Gryffindor prefect in Hogwarts," Percy said proudly. I swear I saw Harry and Ron rolling their eyes a little. "Really? How was it?" I was curious.

"It was pretty awesome if I can say that. A lot of work and a lot of responsibilities, but I handled all that well," he had his nose up with a proud tone. "That's pretty cool. In Beauxbatons we didn't have such things, so I think it's pretty cool that Hogwarts does,"

"Certainly. So Y/n, since you are muggle-born, I must ask, what is like not having owl post all the time?" Mr Weasley quickly changed the subject.

Muggle-born? Did no one tell? "Well we have regular post which takes a little longer to arrive than owl post, but we also have emails and messages on our phones which are very quick," I explained.

"Phones? So you have to get to the phone booth to send out post?" He was a little lost. "No they have like little phone that everyone has in their own pockets. Y/n showed me how to call and send messages with is," George responded before I could. "Yeah," I agreed.

"So everyone has a little phone in their pockets and you can call whoever you want whenever you want?" He seemed fascinated. "Pretty much yeah," I nodded. "That is fascinating," he stared off to the nothingness in his thoughts.

"So how is that Malfoy drama going?" Fred asked from next to George. Mr and mrs Weasley right away turned their heads at me and so did literally everyone else in the room. "Malfoy? Draco Malfoy, I assume," mr Weasley said. "Yes," Fred said.

"Um, there isn't really much more to it than you know," I said seeing thst maybe it's better if I didn't really mention anything. I'd heard from Ly that Draco doesn't really like Ron and their fathers also strongly dislike each other.

"Still hate him?" Fred asked. I nodded without saying anything. Harry and Ron looked at each other confused, I had told them that we were friends, but oh well. Say something. Lay it on me.

"I'm glad I'm not in Slytherin to see Malfoy every second of the day," Harry said and Ron agreed. "It's not that bad," I shrugged. "Malfoys never do anything good, so it must be pretty bad," Percy said like he knew them so well. That's where he was wrong tho. Should I defend him? Or does that make things worse?


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