Vol. 3 Chapter 11

Start from the beginning

One Flight headed for a fortress built upon a hill.

"By my signal, Drop your payload. All Fighters, watch our backs."

"Copy that Baron-Leader."


"H-hey...! What are those!?"

"The barbarians! Call for wyvern support! Send those bastards to the underworld!"

The otherworldly screeching roar of the Me-262's engines struck fear into their hearts.

Several wyverns have Been released, aiming for the Flight, However they were easily picked off by a few of the unguided rockets, and eventually the 30mm Nose-mounted Guns. Shredding their wings, penetrating their scales, Reducing the rider to chum, you name it.


"What is this!?"

"Send a message quickly! Now!"

"I don't thi-!"

10 600kg Bombs, tore through the fortress, it was significantly weak by comparison to ww2 fortresses, they lack any Structure Reinforcement such as rebar, But their composition is still quite impressive in terms of this world's, as this Fort was adapted for siege combat.

—~~—Primary Base, Ottawa—~~—

"The 1st & 2nd Naval Blockade Fleet were eliminated, Only damages reported were scratches against their lightly Armoured hulls after Fire-engulfed ballista bolts were fired from one of the warships. Five Fortresses Were destroyed, With no casualties on our side."

"Thank You Kara, That was our second and Third strike, simultaneously conducted."

"With This number of Naval blockades eliminated, seaborne trading will be continued for the UKP." Kara continued

"We should also send a few ships two the major ports, Albatros and Daros." Kara suggested

"Well I believe it would be more formal if we were to ask permission from the royalty or upper echelons to dock our Maritime Defence Force ships by those two ports." She said, Just then We received a radio transmission.

"Oh my goodness, That Timing was suspiciously Perfect." I uttered.

"I wholeheartedly agree."

["Director, Matthew?"] Lynette spoke through the radio. ["umm... Is this how it works? Hello?"] she continued

"Good morning, Princess Lynette, What seems to be the occasion for this call?"

["According to our Aerial Corps Scouts, the 1st and second Naval blockade fleets were destroyed, they said they saw three enormous grey objects that looked like ships, but they didn't have any sails. Were those-?"]

"Yes... That us, The assault was related with our alliance conditions, I conducted this for two reasons; one being I wanted to show that the alliance between our two nations is sincere. Two; to prevent the scarcity of resources, re-opening Sea trading will assist in reorganisation, and reduce problematic situations." I said, situations which may arise when We are given access to excavating resources within their territory, despite being unpopulated.

["Y-you really? But... I didn't think you would-..."]

"Do something that unorthodox, yes... sorry for the action without relating information, I was just-"

["No... that's not what I meant, I didn't think you would uphold the treaty like that. Many were doubtful, and I was still a bit. Until... this."]

"Well... I was considering to visit the capital or major city for the purposes of this alliance, and I was about to call you regarding that."

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