Vol. 3 Chapter 10.5 - Short Past

Start from the beginning

"Well... I often thought of myself as a homing beacon, so I can't really argue."

"Pretty sure anything Nat says is arguable." Alice laughed.

"Oh definitely." I agreed.

"Dude... Uncool." Nat objected.


I was currently driving my 2017 Nissan Sentra, the car my father... Left us...

'*grunt* dammit... Stop thinking about the damn losses! I just can't... *sigh* I need to focus... Not be caught up with my own personal problems..."

Upon nearing my home, the home both my mother and I live in. My older brother was somewhere off working since he is older than me, but I'am mostly responsible for assisting my mother here, while also busy with my own School-work.

However I quickly hit the break as upon looking to my left, I immediately saw my mother sitting with her back on the Metal Fence that separates the walkway from the Cold river, the river in question wasn't too far out house, but still... She was in a fetal position her face buried between her legs. She often Weeps, but I've never seen her go outside, I could only imagine how long she's been out here, and what would've happened if she did this in the winter...

I idled my car on the far side of the road, and exited.

"What the-! Mom, what the heck are you doing?" I yelled, which caught her attention, her eyes were glistening with tears.


"Please, leave me... I'm just going to bother you." She said tilting her head to the side

"...No, You won't... And You will suffer several things if you were to remain out here, like that. You might let that happen, But I won't."

I managed to assist her up to her feet, and brought her to the car, I had her seat in the rear passenger seat because I wanted to be quick.

The drive was comfortable, if you tune out the occasional mumbles from mother.


Entering home, I suggested to do dinner, and let my mother to bathe and recuperate after remaining outside for that long.


—*beep* *beep* *beep—
I was awoken by my alarm clock, pressing the button to 'shut it up', I felt slightly refreshed as I positioned myself sitting on my bed, and got up.

Upon exiting the room however my calmness was shattered into shock as I saw my mother sitting by the wall of the corridor.

"Good morning... Matthew..." she tiredly replied.

"What the absolute F-! W-what happened!? Why are you-!" I screamed, not only was she in my room, but I was mostly concerned for the fact that her clothing was littered with dry blood.

"Mother!" I yelled, before I grabbed her arm, and moved her sleeve back, I was met with the sight of a few cuts, not deep, not fatal, but still enough to cause bleeding, I noticed the some were on her neck too. She only looked at me with the same depressive expression and her dull eyes.

"Christ! S-stay here, I'm going to get the kit!"

"You don't need to... Its just a waste on me."

"Don't you bloody say that!" I yelled, which put her gaze towards me.

"Mother, You are an important person to me, You are the only family I have close to me left, If I were to lose you, I would kill myself..."


"Stay here, don't touch your wounds."

"..." she nodded.

I quickly exited the room, and headed for the Living room, I place First-aid medical equipment Cases in multiple locations in my house, but the one in our living room is the closest.


(Mary POV)

'Matthew... Do you... really... . . . ...Thank You...' I uttered, before tears began to continually flow down.

"Matthew... I may not seem like it, But I'am so happy to have a son like you... Always caring for those who can't help you but look up to you." I whispered

'Why... Why is my heart beating so fast...?'



"Mom, please be careful." I said, as I assisted her off the floor, being as careful as I can to prevent any pain as I help her towards a seat in the kitchen area, For all I know these cuts could potentially be present on all four of her limbs.
After placing her down, I rolled up her sleeves, the wounds thankfully were only up to her elbow.

"Tell if it is too painful, I'll be gentler." I said, as I begin to apply Hydrogen Peroxide on her cuts, this was to disinfect her wounds. I don't bloody know how long these wounds were present on her skin. Hydrogen peroxide can be harmful to the wounds if in large concentrations, so I'm using very minimal amounts, before choosing to clean the wounds using cold water and mild soap.

After awhile I began wrapping the bandages across the majority of her forearms.

"Umm... Mom do you have cuts on, your legs?"

She nodded.

"I have a few cuts on my torso too... The stomach part." She continued

"Jesus... please don't do this to yourself."

"I know... I'm sorry for being a mother you wouldn't have wished for..."

"No... You are perfectly fine, I wouldn't choose to change a thing about you... But I just want you to be happy."


'I'am Matthew... You just can't see it...'


I finished, I used a small bucket of cold water for her leg wounds, however I was a bit uncomfortable as I tried to rinse the wounds on her lower torso, But I still managed.

"Mom... Please don't cut yourself, like that again. I was horrified that you would be suffering severe Problems."

"Okay, Matthew... Thank you... Please don't go anywhere..."

I smiled.

'Don't worry, I'll be here til death, as I've said.'

===Months later===

(Mary POV)
I dropped the remote control, and I slammed to the floor as I felt my legs lose balance.

I stare at the Television.

["There have been reports of a few simultaneous Plane crashes within the vicinity, reports suggest that an EMP was the cause. However No nuclear detonation or warning has been confirmed yet. One such Crashed Flight was found as seen here; Flight 1213, the wreckage shows that there are no confirmed Survivors."]

"Matthew... N-No... NO!" I screamed, I slammed my fists on the glass table, shattering it, my arms getting wounded...

"Why!? Why!? Why!? Tell me this is just a Nightmare!"

I kept screaming for minutes on end, before I laid back down on the sofa feeling my blood continue spilling out, before turning my attention towards a nearby Pistol case, My Husband's... I gritted my teeth, as I made my way towards the Gun case eventually opening it.

"F-F**k this... I can't live without you Matthew...!" I shoved the magazine into the pistol, before pointing it to the side of my head.


A random pedestrian walked his dog, whilst holding his phone regarding the latest events until...


"W-what The-?" He jolted as he looked towards the house where the shot came from. "*sigh* Well... That reminds of that school shooting back in '08."

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