Chapter 2- Meeting My Idols

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"Tom!" I hear a man shout and Tom and I turn to look who it is. It was non other than Robert Downey Jr. My eyes went wide as I saw him and Susan walk over to us.

"Tom." Susan said with a smile.

"Pleasure to see you, Susan." Tom said with a smile.

"Who is this lovely woman with you Tom?"

"This is my costar and best friend YN, we just finished filming Kong: Skull Island today and I thought I would introduce her to what a premier is like."

"It's a pleasure to meet you YN."

"It's an honor to meet you sir." I say a bit flustered. Robert and Susan laughed.

"Please RDJ or Robert is fine."

"I'm so glad to meet you, I'm a big fan."

"As you should be, YN." We all shared a laugh and Tom quickly excused himself leaving me by myself with RDJ and his wife. "Is this your first time acting?" Robert asked me.

"This is my first movie, but I had starred in a few episodes of NCIS and The Big Bang Theory. I'm really excited to be a part of something bigger."

"Susan, honey, why don't you go mingle, I want to introduce YN to a few people." I gave a confused look but Susan left and Robert wrapped his arm around my shoulder as he walked me the other direction. That's when I saw Kevin Feige and the Russo brothers standing there chatting.

"Robert!" Anthony shouted noticing us first.

"Hey!" Joseph turned around with a smile on his face.

"How are you doing?" Kevin asked.

"Hey, you guys I'm good, I want to introduce you all to YN, she just finished filming the new Kong with Hiddleston!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you YN." Anthony said, at the moment all three of them put out their hands and I shook all of them happily.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all, the concept you've done on the Marvel movies are spectacular and always leave the audience wanting more." I say with a giant smile spread on my face.

"I was thinking that YN would be a great actor for the new character we will be introducing in the next movie." Robert was very vague but the three knew exactly who he was talking about.

"You know, you're right, she's got the looks we are going for..." Kevin said looking me over.

"Would you be available to do a reading in the next few days at the marvel studio?" Jospeh asked.

"Yeah, I- I can definitely do that... Would you like my manager to call you?"

"That would be great." Anthony said as he gave me the number for Monica to call.

"I'll make sure she gives you a call tomorrow. Thank you for this opportunity."

"Of course, new faces are always a great addition, just make sure this stays between you and your manager. I'm sure you know by now that secrets are big with Marvel."

"Yes, sir, I wouldn't want to be Mark Ruffalo or Tom Holland." We all laughed and they went on their way. I turned to Robert and couldn't thank him enough. RDJ laughed at my excitement.

"I hope this works out for you kid, and I hope to see you on the next set. I need to find Susan, have a great night." I nodded my head and the moment he was gone I realized I was now alone. I looked around and couldn't see either of the Toms and my anxiety kicked in. I quickly walked to the bar and ordered a sprite as I sat on the barstool and my hand fidgeted on my dress as I took a sip trying to calm down.

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