Vol. 3 Chapter 3 - Progression

Start from the beginning

"Gloria Fortes Miles..." Müller uttered, as one last shell reduced most of the remaining forces that were still not backing down from these odds, eventually a few remaining bandits chose to surrender or escape.


The door clicked open, as Sagorski entered the room.

"Heya~" He lightheartedly said, It's interesting and less 'disturbing' for me to see that my created personnel are starting to develop more casual behaviours.

"Hey, Sark." I replied with a smile, as I laid down one of the papers in my hands.

For the record, Sark has been the nickname for Sagorski, Sure I could've used Drew (his first name) to refer to him, but it sounds all too similar to 'Dru' from the third instalment of the Despicable Me Film Series.

"So... What's the situation?" I asked, for his visit, as I carefully pushed myself on the wheeled revolving chair backwards from the desk.

He sat by the edge of the table.

"Mark III drones are undergoing Testing, New Backup systems in-case of severe external trauma, Better internal protection, and with the learning from your encounter with 'Crimson-hair' I've managed to create solutions to multiple forms of attacks she conducted back there."

"Yeah— But, We haven't really been identifying, or rather... Even bothered of identifying the extent of her capabilities, or in simplified terminology; 'Level of Magic'."

"Hmm... True, But either way it has been successful The new batch of Drones will be ready upon confirmation and processing, can't be too secure."

"Good judgement, If only you were my son or younger than me, I would say I'am proud of your Independent Mental Process."

"Actually, most of us do think independently, but we have and swore unconditional loyalty to you, Director."

"Unconditionally...? Haven't you ever thought of... going against a master? believing you are not some worker or inferior being? you are a living being, you are someone that shouldn't be purchased, owned, and forced to do something, they may not want to do."

"There were doubts deep within our minds but..." he said, before he began to smile.

"With your attitude towards us, with your values serving as the cherry on top, We are more than Grateful and Glad to be working for you, Director."

"*smile* I'm grateful that I'm working alongside all of you too... Good friends, and all."

"Yeah." he replied, as he looked though the window behind me, before he spoke again.

"Oh, Yeah, Uhm.... What are we going to do about... Crimson hair? I mean she has been cooperative in speaking, but she hasn't been really informative, she never spoke her name. And... I could notice hints of dejection on her face."

That's true, I believed she must've been troubled, as back then she clearly had trust issues during our first contact, I can only assume that she assumes we are using her for malicious acts... I might to take this into my hands.

"H-... Alright... How about I talk to her, privately to see if this would work, interrogation might just deepen her misunderstanding of our motives."

"Hehe~" he smiled with a suspicious expression as his winced, knowing one quarter of his character, I immediately assume he is thinking about something... 'Detestable'

"What do you mean by Hehe?!" I responded to his lighthearted uttering

"Oh— nothing..."

"...I hope you are not thinking about anything indecent, because I'am sure you are aware of my morals."

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