
Start from the beginning

He waited for the exact moment when the King of the Drakkons came out of his tent to look at the she-wolf. As soon as the King's eyes fell on the she-wolf, Eros's arrow left his bow.

His aim was perfect.



The first sensation that I remembered feeling was hot. Extremely hot. It felt like I was sleeping in a furnace.

I could feel the pillow under my head being socked in my own sweat which was now starting to smell bad. I could feel sweat sliding down my forehead. I could feel the sweat making my hair soggy.

It was irritating. There was something hot lingering by my feet and from time to time it would tingle my sole, making me even more irritated. Everything was irritating me at that moment. I felt irritated in my own body.

Soon something cold was placed over my forehead, making me sigh deeply. I savored the coolness which helped to bring down the temperature of my head but it didn't last long. Soon, that cold thing was gone but it returned after a few moments, making me sigh again.

"She's doing much better than yesterday," A voice spoke. "She is much more active now. She should wake up today," Added that same voice. It was feminine and different. I'd never heard it before.

"I want to talk to her first once she wakes up," Spoke a second voice. It was deep and commanding. It definitely belonged to a man of great position because even I could feel the power radiating off his presence.

"From what it seems, she's going to wake up anytime soon now!" The first voice exclaimed when I moved my head to a side, searching for that cold thing again. It landed on my forehead soon.

"Do you think she is an inhabitant of this place?" The man's voice asked with a different kind of curiosity that didn't go unnoticed by me. I wanted to open my eyes but I was still trapped in the dream that was playing on my eyelids.

I tried to remember the last time I was awake. I remember feeling very cold and being suffocated. There was a throbbing pain at the back of my head. Apart from this, I remembered someone screaming my name.

"I don't know," The woman's voice spoke, "but she is very different. I haven't seen someone like her before,"

"Me neither," The man's voice agreed with a strange emotion laced in it. This urged me to open my eyes even more.

At first, my eyelids felt so heavy that I was finding it extremely hard to open them and look around. After some struggling, I was finally able to open my eyes but I wasn't able to see anything right away because my vision was blurry.

Though whatever I could make out through that blurry vision, it looked like the ceiling of an unfamiliar tent that I was sure didn't belong to neither of my wolves or the lycans who were accompanying us into the valleys so where was I really?

"She is awake!" The feminine voice gasped while I blinked rapidly to focus my vision somehow. As my vision cleared, the face of a man appeared in front of my eyes.

It was a face I'd never seen before. He was keenly looking down at me. His completely blue eyes locked with mine and for a moment my heart stopped.

I instantly knew where I was.

I was in the Drakkon's camp and the man looking down at me was one of the Drakkon's. The power that was emanating from his body told me that he was someone important here.

I was as still as a statue as that man looked down at me. We stared at each other for a couple of moments. He looked at me with a combination of curiosity and something else I couldn't name while I looked back at him with a sense of fear.

I could feel my whole body growing cold under his blue eyes. The heat wasn't bothering me anymore.

"Hello," The man greeted me with unnatural calmness— something with which you wouldn't greet an enemy. I didn't answer him at first and stared at him. He tilted his head aside and asked, "Are you alright?"

I felt someone touch my hand before the feminine voice answered, "I think she's alright. Her body temperature is down now,"

Even when the feminine voice spoke, the man didn't look away from me. His eyes were solely focused on me with something odd simmering in them.

"Are you able to understand me?" The man asked me next. The curiosity in his eyes seemed to grow every passing minute. "Are you able to understand me?" He asked me in a language spoke by a tribe that lived in the far west of the valleys.

"Yes," I decided to answer him in the language of the tribal people's tongue because I didn't think he'd react well knowing that I was not from here. His eyes lit up as soon as I'd answered him and he instantly flashed me a wide smile, displaying his razor-sharp teeth to me. They gave me goosebumps.

"What is your name?" He asked me next.

"Ruel," I answered the first thing that came to my mind. Now, he looked keener and keener to know everything about me and it was scaring me.

"Ruel," He tested the word in his mouth while I looked down to see if I was still wearing my fighting gear but I was shocked to find myself wearing close to nothing! It made more heat rush to my body.

What looked like a silk cloth was wrapped around my chest and the same went for my hips leaving the rest of my body bare.

Where were my clothes? If they'd gotten hold of my clothes then it wouldn't take them long to realize that I'm not someone from the valley tribe.

"What is this place? How did I get here? Who are you?" I asked in perplexity while the man continued to stare at me with obsession.

"This is the land of Drakkons," The man answered. I wanted to scream LIAR on his face but that wouldn't have been great for my cover, "My men found you while patrolling an area where an avalanche took place. You were barely breathing and almost frozen when you were found and brought to my camp. As for me... I'm the King of Drakkons,"


What do you think that arrow was for?

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