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We spotted a group of Drakonians in the distance trying to shoot at what looked like a strange creature climbing out of the river. I tried to take a step further to have a better look at what that creature was but then I noticed that Ezekiel had wrapped his fingers tightly around my arm to keep me going forward. I tried to free my arm but I ended up receiving a heated glare from him so I decided to keep it down for now.

"What is that?" I whispered in astonishment, looking at the creature who was chasing the drakonians further northeast.

"That's a Cephylon," he whispered back with his eyes trained at the retreating Drakonians. "Once it gets a hold of you, it will drag you back to its nest and feed you to its younglings,"

"Wow, they sound fun,"

"They're not. Trust me," Ezekiel gritted back, sending me another glare that I chose to ignore. "We need to go back a mile or climb higher to set up a camp because it seems we have gotten very closer to them," He added next, looking back at the horizon where the Drakonians had disappeared.

"There's no use going back," I crossed the option off, leaving the hardest one.

"Do whatever you can but keep out of their eyes," He told me before letting my arm go.

"Where are you going?" I asked him with a frown.

"I need to see where exactly they have their camp and how many of them are there in total," He told me while I followed him further ahead but he soon turned around and added, "And you'd be going back to your wolves,"

"Why did you think I'd do that?" I challenged him, crossing my arms on my chest and holding his gaze adamantly. He set his jaw and glared back at me to send me back but I wasn't going back. I wanted to see the Drakonians.

"Because," He growled, taking a step very closer to me, "I don't want to get you in danger,"

"I wouldn't be getting into danger," I told him. "I want to see the Drakonians,"

"Then who's going to tell the wolves to stay back?"

"Why? I have mind-linked them already," I told him. All he could do in response was increase the intensity of his glare because I was just leaving no room for any kind of compromise. I was going with him and that was it!

"You're testing me more and more each day," He grumbled under his breath before turning on his heels and walking forward. I followed him silently, holding back all the insults that I wanted to throw at him already. We kept walking for a while. It had gotten fairly dark and colder. It was heavily snowing as well. The riverbed was growing more and more dangerous because serval mounters would crawl out of their hiding places to eat us.

The two of us had our swords out to cut anything in hand that would jump in front of us and threaten to eat us. We fought a couple of them before deciding to climb a bit higher and move along the mountain trails to stay out of danger as much as possible but that didn't mean that we didn't see any more monsters.

We met small pixies who wanted to suck our blood and a strange centipede-like-looking creature with sharp teeth. I swear it could have easily swallowed the two of us in one go but Ezekiel cut it in two even before I could properly notice it in the dark crawling out of a small pit that had gone unnoticed by me. Ezekiel seemed to be more familiar with this place than I'd thought.

"Do you come here often?" I had to ask him at one point because he seemed to have memorized every twist and turn of the river and every mountain here like the back of his hand.

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