Vol. 2 Chapter 9 - Two Assasins (2/2)

Start from the beginning

"Senka!" The girl screamed, before she got slashed in the Torso.

I quickly reloaded my 1911, and grabbed a beretta 92 from my inventory to fire at both wolves, Two weapons being used in different directions is unrealistic as it will cause decreased accuracy, however I simply went 'Screw It'. two hits respectively to their skulls killed them off.

"Gaa- *cough* *cough* Urgh... Бог" Senka struggled to get up, the impact must've been powerful, the back of her skull and her spinal column likely has fractured areas.

"Hey..." Lynette staggered.

"You Two, don't exert yourselves, Hang on..." I said in assurance, as I slowly got a hold of the girl and dragged her near Senka, before I went towards the one last wolf to land a bullet.

"Senka... Please, tell me you're alright..."

"I-I... *cough* I can't see..." she said, the impact on her skull must've been a mortal injury, depending on how powerful the impact is towards any sort of her skull, one of the results may be blindness or heavily-blurred vision.
After landing the last bullet, I eventually approached the two.

"Please hold on." I said before I raise both of my hands, my restoration ability has upgraded to allow me to simultaneously regenerate two individuals, including at a faster rate.

I suddenly felt an influx of disorientation, as I finished, forcing me down into a sitting position adjacent to the location where both of them laid. It seems my restoration was also distorted a bit.

"...Lynn..." Senka Spoke.

"I'm sorry..." she continued, as she managed to take of her hood revealing her face, black hair, and heterochromic eyes.
They remained silent, however the girl assisted Senka up.

"Are you both... Fine?" I asked them after a while passed.


"What about you?" I asked Senka.

"My vision is not back to normal."

"You're still blind?" I spoke with confusion, I'm vaguely aware of my restoration's capability.

"N-No... Everything is just very blurry, but I think I can make out most things."

She remained silent.

"Will... Will my sight remain like this forever?"

"...N-No... It is likely a error on my side."

"At-least you can still see-" the girl spoke.

"I'm better off blind, after what I've been trying to do to you Lynn..." she spoke, as she let go of the girl's err... Lynn's hand, and her face dropped.


"And what's with that change of tone...? You went from furious, to mixed, to sorrow."

"I-..." she didn't complete the sentence.

"Its better off for you two to just end whatever built up..." I Spoke, both of them looked at me.

"I know the recent conflicts have been immeasurably distasteful, but... Isn't it obvious that both of you are better off back to normal?"

They never responded, but their demeanour 'at-least' evokes understanding

"Well... I have no reason to interfere, but I just want you to understand my motives... I'm no longe needed here." I eventually turned around leaving behind the wolf carcasses to their disposal.

"Hey... Are you just going to leave this place?" Lynn said

"...Well... That's my ongoing goal, after you somehow managed to teleport us."

"In a forest like This that's a bad idea." Lynette said

"And I didn't... You did." She continued, which made me raise an eyebrow.

"Uh- aha, Umm... I'm pretty positive that you caused this, after distributing an immense amount of mana into my internal systems."

"No..." she spoke with a tone that evokes 'What are you talking about?'.

"I managed to detect something similar to Teleportation magic in your soul, I did not give you any mana, I simply influenced a part of your soul, that is my ability."

"With What you just said... That means that you are the one that caused us to warp here."

"I said no... When I Tampered your soul's ability, you immediately reacted, you did this without feeling like you did Likely from memory distortion or something else."

"*sigh* Jesus Christ... I didn't know at all... I'm likely more confused than you."

Upon finishing the sentence, I noticed Senka show a bit of a shocked expression, before concealing it, with her hood, Are my suspicions correct?

"Why... Would you even try that, though?" I continued

"I was desperate... To be honest, ever since that attack on my personal carriage convoy, I haven't been thinking straight."


"Wh-... Didn't you say, you were an assassin? Why would you need a carriage group of all things?"

Her eyes widened upon hearing my words, she just uttered out something she shouldn't have said.

"O-Oh Umm..." she failed to compose herself.

I stood a step back

"Was this... Deceptive ambush, perhaps?" I spoke with suspicion in my tone, as I held my colt behind my back.

"W-Wait... No I-!"

"Lynn... Just tell him." Senka Spoke.

"N-No... I can't."

"He might kill us, he took out dire wolves with a gu- Strange weapon."

After hearing that cut off mark, I thought of saying 'Were you about to say, Gun?' For confirmation, But I suppressed that as I often have a feeling that if one were to receive confirmation Regarding my groundbreaking knowledge, I would've been captured or exterminated.

"I'm... Not exactly a normal assassin."


"I'm... I'm a-... N-Noble from the United Kingdom of Pluvimia, Lynette is my full name."

'The United Kingdom of Pluvimia, isn't that the country where Albatros was located?'

"...United Kingdom... And a noble you say?"

"Y-yes..." she assured.

"Why would a noble choose to be an undercover assassin...? That just doesn't make any sense, there is barely any reason for you to do so, and If anybody else in your family or other noble houses found out about this, you might get punished."

I knew about the status of a few occupations in this world, Assassins were notorious, due to them being almost untraceable, undetectable, most have no affiliation, they are essentially lone wolves who will spill blood for Currency.

"..." she remained silent as she seems to have lost confidence in convincing me, her pupils looked as if they were shivering.

"Unless... You are hesitating to tell me the actual truth."

Her eyes eventually darted to me, with an expression of agitation, before she sighed in defeat.

"I want you to keep silent about this... and would you promise that...?"

"Yes... I refuse to lie in situations like this."

"*sigh* ...I'am the 2nd princess of the United Kingdom of Pluvimia." She eventually said, I gave a shocked expression

"You are a Princess...?!"


"How do I know this is not a facade?" I questioned

"You are the one who asked, so I just answered. I'm not lying."

"...Alright... If that's so, then I guess this all makes sense." I responded


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