Vol. 2 Chapter 3 - Second Contact

Start from the beginning

"Is that...?" I eventually heard one of the crossbowmen said with confusion.

"Esther!" A female in the walls continued.

"Is that really her!?"

"The Firestarter!"

The Firestarter? I have heard of her... She was famous for using Plasma-based magic and learned for a prolonged period of time in the academy before moving back to her birth-town in the Nomadic regions. I never thought I could actually see her, in-person. A Mage is capable of moving carriages without horses, that may be what she is doing, but... She is can only control fire and water, how can she move them?

(Matthew POV)

Esther is being asked questions left and right by several people of similar age, she did say this City was sometimes assisted in defence or purely defended by students of the nearby Academy.

"Well, That really proves how Known she is."

"Well most of the guards and adventurers seem to know her, *laugh* Especially those Three mages."

"What makes you sure, they are mages?"

"Instinct, Sir. They are holding staves."

(Esther POV)

"Esther it is great to meet you in-person."

"Esther, where have you been?"

"Erm... Ahaha~ I don't think I can answer if all of you keep bombarding me with these questions." I replied.

"Okay Don't enclose her like this." Eventually a familiar girl stepped into the crowd to control most of them.

"Nice to meet you again, Esther."

"The feeling is mutual, Dianna."

"I see... Interesting... What happened with your staff? It looks... Different to say the least."

"Oh, it's just been reinforced by a friend of mine, it is much more durable but is still lightweight."

"Really? May I ask who is this friend?"

I eventually point towards Matthew's Land Rover.

"People That Found me in a dire time."


(Elizabet POV)
People all wearing grey uniforms, were now in view they too were being bombarded by questions just like the Firestarter. Their uniforms are different but it seemed like they were rank indicators, Some sort of Militia?

"Do you think they are friend or foe?"

"Isn't it obvious? they are clearly not enemies if they are socializing like this."

"Yeah but they look Armed and dangerous, they look like militiamen, I've seen a few officers dress similarly, only they seem more bland, and less elegant."

"Well you should never assume who they are if they are completely unknown to us. And their uniforms may be for cost rather than Elegance."


I overhear several of my guards chatter while I was even more dragged out into a point of deciding, what to do. They are clearly not hostile, but what if that is just a facade...? They may be using that Mage maliciously... Princess, what should I?

The Gate gets knocked on lightly, signalling they are asking for entry.

They may see us as enemies... we have the advantage in numbers... But, They have a powerful Mage that can move four Armoured carriages at once... *frustrated noise* ...Princess... You told me that it is my responsibility, for everything here. I can't risk making an enemy despite no provocation.., It would only taint your name, Our names...

'I'm going to try and drag them to our side of this fight.'

"My leader?"

I eventually Forcefully opened the gate with ease to show no ill-intentions, however a loud Bang on wood resounded as I opened it.

I eventually look down to see one of the men lying on his back on the ground, slowly going unconscious.

"Verdammte... Scheiße—..." he uttered silently before passing out.

"H- e-eh... *Anxiety noises* eh?"

Three of the other grey people and the mage slowly turned their faces towards me in unison, their expressions looked like they were about to frustratingly facepalm at any moment.


(Matthew POV)
And just like that... I got knocked unconscious as my vision slowly goes black, I truly question how much strength does that individual have to push the door with the lack of effort to even knock me out so severely.

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