Vol. 2 Chapter 2 - Albatros

Começar do início

"Thank you." I said with relief in my tone.

"Do we still need to keep your profile low?"

"That won't be necessary, and even if we do that's impossible."

"Why is that?" - Kara

"How So?" - Me

"I'm widely known by that prosperous port city, as I trained and studied by the incredibly near Town-Designed Academy that had students sometimes protect the city in sieges or investigations. In-fact that's where my previous home, aside from altern, was, I was even given the nickname 'Firestarter' for my proficiency at Fire, Plasma, and Lava."

"Wha-!? Why didn't you tell us?"

"I don't like talking about my private Days."

"R-Right... Sorry."

—~~—Port City Of Albatros—~~—
A Siege has already occurred, The city was under siege from the north Gate, By a nearly disorganised but compiled group of Brigands, Insurgents, and Remnants of the Platinum Eyes Guild. The Port City was a prosperous Location, and one of the few Trade Capitals, particularly Overseas trading. This Siege is slowly concluding as the Defensive Side were already pummelling them down, Several cannons on the Shortened Bastions on either side of the North Gate were already decimating several ground troops, and Rogues and Warrior-type adventurers were trading blows to the brigands, and A few mages managed to eliminate rear siege weapons such as Ballistas and Catapults.

"*cough* Screw This! Everyone don't waste this anymore! Retreat!" Eventually a commander yelled, which caused several of the brigands to retreat, however Several platinum eyes Guild members did not follow orders, and continued attacking despite most of the forces falling back.

"*pant*... For The Pluvimia!" An armoured female yelled, one of the Knights of the Kingdom's Royal Cross Order, several of her subordinates dashed towards the remaining enemies only purely eliminated the threats. The battle ended with a victory on the defensive side, with Casualties in the Tens.

"*pant* Is... Is everyone here!?" She yelled to get the attention of the remaining defenders.

"All But 47 people are still here, Knight Echethier!" A young male responded.

Elizabet Echethier, The Leader of the Fortified Cross Division of the Order, looked down upon the scathed field, bodies and the scattered remains of the Wooden siege weapons paint the land.

"Have all injuries treated. All defenders who are lightly injured or uninjured, have them remain here and stand watch the retreating forces may return for another siege."

"Yes Ma'am!"

The That siege concluded with several Injuries ranging from minor to major, Elizabet headed for the Count's Mansion, located near the centre of the city overlooking the actual centre of the city which is a circular commune area.
Entering the Mansion she was greeted by several maids under the service of Baron Hywell.

"Madam Echethier." Count Hywell finally approached Elizabet as she was sitting on one of the couches in the living room as she sipped the tea she was given by one of the maids. Her armour was discarded for now, and were arranged and maintained at another location in the mansion.

"Count Hywell..." Elizabet replied, however her tone was low and unmotivated.

"You have successfully defended the Port City, you should celebrate."

"At a time like this...?" She quickly replied, before she continued.

"Princess Lynette has been missing for Five days... her body and a few others were not found at the remains of the convoy, she could be in stuck in the wilderness...!"

"But she knows how to fight back." The Count said

"I don't want her harmed..." Elizabet simply replied ignoring Hywell's Presumption.

"An Old Friend, A mentor, The one who gave me the chance o protect and serve. I hope she will return... Right? The royalty have been blessed... She will always return..." she tried to reason

"..." The Count hesitated on replying, as he viewed Elizabet as being on the edge of breaking down, due to anxiety.

"You should take a Rest now, Echethier. You need to calm down for now." He finally spoke and suggested after less than a minute of silence, aside form th constant mumbling of Elizabet.

"H-... Y-Yes... I'm sorry for my Behaviour, Count Hywell."

"Just take a rest now, my maids have prepared you a room since the battle's conclusion."

"I'll be taking my leave now..." she replied but her tone still evoked anxiousness and Pessimism.

(Elizabet POV)
"Princess... Why did it have to be you... It should've been me instead at-least..." Melancholic over her disappearance, I struggle to rest, despite lying down on the bed... I Can't stop thinking pessimistically.

"Your Doing Great Eliza!" Princess Lynette, cheered me as a spectator, whilst I was busy parrying several Mage-controlled figures.

The practice Combat ended with my victory, and I slowly approached the princess

"It is all thanks to you, Your Highness. You brought me to the order, and You knew how to fight."

"But you were the one that chose to continue fighting back, for the people." She quickly replied.

I didn't respond but I remained silent. She then continued.

"Eliza, I must tell you something. The best fighter never fights without any foresight of the enemy, you must also be cautious and Wise. Decisions are what mark the outcome."

"That is indeed, True... I will defeat every enemy that comes to oppose the United Kingdom!"

"Eliza, Your prideful again. As a Knight it isn't always about toppling over enemies over and over like the 'hero of a hegemonic empire', A knight is also meant to protect all who is under the United Kingdom, People, Nobles, Royalty, everyone here that managed to give this kingdom a righteous & prosperous history."

"Your highness..."

"Listen, Elizabet. The next decisions are yours once you are finally ready, I would like you to please remember these words. For they will help you, and everyone around you."

I was awoken by the rapid knocking originating from the room's doors, making me look to its direction.

"Knight Echethier, Please wake up its an emergency!" I heard a familiar voice ring out from the other side, Isabeau Sera Custoss, My Aide of the Division, while she was a capable dame, she was young and sometimes acts like one.

"Enter, What has happened?" I said to which she opened the door, she was panting heavily before she held her breath and composed herself before speaking.

"Strange carriages have stopped by the City's entrance." She spoke with a demeanour that attempted to mask her uneasiness.

"Perhaps siege engines...? Was it the enemy?"

"None of us know, My Leader. They are completely unknown, and we do not know of their stance because they have not moved or performed any provocation since we have ordered them to remain still, the only form of identification was an upside triangle painted on to their sides."


'I must do this... Princess, I'm not letting anything happen to you in vain...'

I'am determined to follow out my orders given to me as a Knight by the Princess.

Future Shock (Initial Project)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora