Vol. 1 Chapter 14 - The Goddess

Start from the beginning

"Ah... Well, that would be if I wasn't the creator of this world."


"Well firstly I'm capable of reading your mind, what som detail? I can easily peer into your subconscious cerebral system, and discern any thoughts."

My mind immediately went into the wrong about thinking about the uses of the ability, but I quickly shook my head and looked away.

"Heh... Are you scared that I might see your lewd thoughts?"

"N-Nein..." I said before making anxious noises, but I closed my eyes, and tried to tune it out.

"Anyways... Yes, I'm a God. Or Goddess, which ever you prefer, I'm boundless, I don't have to follow the rules I benchmarked for the universe."

"why have you brought me here? And... And why would you even bother to bring me here anyway, let alone talk to me, After I just killed Hundreds already."

"Out of anyone, all of them have done a crime that I feel resentment for, you and your personnel are the only exception.." She replied.

"Rape, Arson, Murder, Theft, Slavery, Torture, And more... I-... I have been losing faith in the structure of this world, as many have done the same thing, they just have the money or skill to hide it."

"That is partially present from my world, actually... The corruption part."

"That's why I chose somebody to take up the role to become a good guy that could make a major impact to the primitive ideologies of this world... It's You."

"But... You are aware of my mental disability right? Bipolarity... Right? I don't think I can-"

"Haven't you noticed? That you have been less... 'Swingy' lately."

Now that she mentioned it... Yeah... I haven't been acting similarly to how I was before, I seem more... on the calm side, but after seeing the cruelty exhibited... I was 'Triggered' to say the least...

"Well yah but to be honest I also feel a bit... Broken? I don't know how to describe the feeling, my personality tends to fluctuate depending on the situation."

"Well... I tried to remove your bipolar disorder, but my attempt following complexity issues only resulted in a trigger affect fo sorts, and a few incomprehensible distortions within your personality. But... All in all, I doubt You're main judgement won't be obscured by most of these factors, I will find a way to fix it, even it if I takes quite a while."

I didn't reply, and I didn't really brought up any words, but I felt rising suspicion

"And If you think I'm using you as a chess-piece, I also don't want that either. I've... seen your past, you have suffered losses, which took a toll to your whole Behaviour, desperation... depression... Denial... Not only have you lost many things about yourself, but you also lost people who you cared for..."

"I have... Many reasons to hesitate with this..."

"But It's true... I know there are many other people in your world which have lost more things than you, but... You are exceptional in many ways, you lack selfishness, you have humility, That is the type of person that deserves a second chance. That's the primary reason why I Resurrected you, and gave you freedom with these abilities."

I looked at her before looking down...

"...These Abilities that you allowed me to choose... They were for Creation right?"

She nodded.

"...But these abilities can be easily exploited... With my Modern knowledge, these abilities can be easily used to render myself as a veritable W.M.D... Why in the first place did you ever trust someone like me to even bear these?"

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