Yamamoto x (childhood friend!female)Reader

Start from the beginning

"I'm not!"

You caught him in a headlock, messing his fro-hawk. "Sure you're not."

"Excuse me, but who are you?"

You looked up at the captain. "Oh, pardon my manners, Kuroo-senpai. My name is L/n F/n. I've just transferred from Karasuno. The same year as your ace here."

"Can you let me go now?" Yamamoto sighed. You let him drop to the floor.

"My apologies, your majesty."

He smiled at the little name. "I'll forgive your offence. You've proven loyal thus far."

You sputtered a laugh at the comment. "I'll never get over how weird it sounds when you elevate your language."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

You smiled, turning back to his team. "No need for introductions. I know you all."

"That doesn't sound creepy at all," Yaku said.

"It's basic information," you shrugged. "I just happen to have connections."

"That's even more suspicious," he replied.

"Huh, you're not as fast as Nishinoya claims you are."

Yaku's face went red. Was it anger or embarrassment? It was probably both.

You smiled innocently. "It's fine Yaku-senpai. We all have our off days."

"She's right, Yaku-senpai."

"Kuroo don't you even start."

Yamamoto leaned his arm over your shoulder. The team looked at him in shock. You blinked in confusion.

"What's all the fuss about?"

"Isn't he unbearably shy around girls? How is he this close to you?" Lev asked.

"Couldn't have said that any better," Yaku mumbled.

"We go way back. I know more about him than I'd want to," you replied. "No offence."


"No need to be dramatic Tora."

"I'm not being dramatic. You're acting innocent."

"Because I am innocent."

"Are you two dating?" Kuroo asked out of the blue. Yamamoto and you shared a look before simultaneously answering, "No."

Kuroo smirked. "I'm not buying it."

You rolled your eyes. "Get yourself a girl before calling out others."

His teammates snickered and laughed. Even his coaches smiled at your statement. Kuroo was taken aback and hesitant to say anything else.

"How about I help clean up?" you said.  "You boys look tired."

"I'll help!" Yamamoto interjected.

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