Captains (2)

98 2 0

N/n: nickname
(f/p/f): favourite pocky flavour
(w/n): waiter's name
F: F/n
D: Daichi
M: Murasakibara




L O C A T I O N : P A S T R Y S H O P



I wake up feeling super groggy. Tanaka and Nishinoya thought spamming the group chat at 3 AM was 'the perfect time for team bonding'. I couldn't be more annoyed.

INCOMING CALL. . . . . . baby💜giant [ACCEPT] DECLINE

D: I'm surprised you're up already.
F: Tatsu~chin kept calling meeeeeee. I didn't want to wake up so early.

"It takes a long time to get there, F/n." I hear Tatsuya say on the line.

"I'm sleepy," F/n whines in reply. I chuckle.

D: It is a long way from Akita to Miyagi.
F: I want cake.
D: You can eat all the cake you want when you get here.

She whines. I can practically see the pout on her face.

F: Hungry, Dai~chin.
D: Didn't pack enough snacks?
F: Nii kept eating them!

"I was hungry!"

"But they were mine!"

"Don't cause a racket you two."

I shake my head.

D: I'll give you a pack of pocky when you get here.
F: (f/p/f)?
D: Yes
F: Thank you, Dai~chin,
D: You're welcome. See you soon, baby giant.
F: Meaaaannnn


I chuckle and get ready on my end. The meetup time wasn't before another 2 hours but I'm awake. I roll off my bed and look at the chat.

"Why are Kuroo and Bokuto always awake?" I wonder.

My quiet footsteps are the only sounds that echo in the house. My parents must be out. I make myself breakfast. I end up making pancakes. I chuckle thinking about my previous phone call.

I eat the fluffy delights thinking about the purple-haired giant. She still has no clue what the boys look like. Well, maybe she does. The boys are just as clueless. Their reaction will definitely be a funny one. By the time I'm ready an hour has gone by. I don't usually take this much time. I think F/n's laziness is rubbing off on me.

The doorbell's ring brings me back to reality. "Who in the world─"


I facepalm. "Of course he's the first one stomping at my door."

I drag my feet to the door, swinging it open to reveal the overenthusiastic owl and his pet cat. You heard me.

"Why are you two here already?"

"Bokuto got too excited."

I sigh, running my hands through my hair. "Come in. We still have a fair amount of time left. And knowing F/n, she'll be late."

Kuroo's usual smirk looked to tease what I said. "Never thought you'd hang out with that type of person captain. Sure you don't have a soft spot for her?"

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