Chapter 48: Unity - part II

Start from the beginning

A feeling of dread hit Lan WangJi, "...yes,"

There was a pause before Jiang Cheng muttered, "He heard voices..."

Lan WangJi sucked in a breath, "Impossible,"

"Yeah, well, that word really doesn't apply to him," Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes before looking Lan WangJi in the eye, "I think the resentment recognizes him,"

Lan WangJi clenched his fists and turned to hide his face from Wei WuXian and Lan Xichen, "He can't go-"

"You won't be able to stop him," Jiang Cheng ended that thought process, "And that's why I said I'll go with him. I'll ground him,"

Lan WangJi glanced at the male, "Will you?"

Jiang Cheng gave a look of determination, "I will,"

Lan WangJi nodded and the two walked over to the other four, sitting on either side of Wei WuXian, who glanced between them, "So...what did you bicker about this time?"

"You," Both boys admitted easily.

Wei WuXian sighed, "That's twice in the last few hours,"

"Does this happen often?" Nie Huaisang asked.

Wei WuXian's expression was enough for a confirmation, while Jiang Cheng and Lan WangJi remained unbothered. Chuckling Lan Xichen moved on, "So, teach us this barrier,"

Wei WuXian quickly grabbed a stick and slowly began to draw out the strokes and spell. He drew it slowly, making sure the five boys understood the direction and way it was drawn. In reality, the spell was not too complicated stroke wise, despite the array-like image that appeared once Wei WuXian finished drawing it out. Wei WuXian explained, "This spell is heavily relied on spiritual energy, since the feat we're trying is a lot larger than what i've experimented with,"

"What have you experimented with?"

"Lots Pier," Jiang Cheng answered.

"Those are different ones," Wei WuXian corrected, "Plus, you know the spell for that,"

Jiang Cheng shrugged but Nie Huaisang spoke up, "Then what have you tried this with?"

"Small things," Wei WuXian pursed his lips, "The size of that fireplace is pretty close to the biggest object I tried it on,"

Lan WangJi thought out loud, "But the hole is much larger,"

"Exactly," Wei WuXian sighed, "I was thinking of it and I think I found a way, but first you have to master the strokes. Do you have it memorized?"

Everyone nodded. Wei WuXian smiled, placing the stick down, "Draw it out in front of you but don't activate it, just the strokes. And don't use a lot of spiritual energy yet,"

Their fingers all lit up in different colors. Wei WuXian's were red, Jiang Cheng's purple, Nie Huaisang's was olive green/grey, Jin ZiXuan's was yellow, and the Twin Jade's had light blue. They began to draw out the array, repeating the same strokes Wei WuXian had just showed them. Luckily, they were all quite well versed and had good memory. Even Nie Huaisang got it perfectly on the first try.

Once all the strokes were made Wei WuXian glanced around, checking each one. He grinned when all were correct, "Perfect!"

He then pointed to the first strokes he had shone that were still marked in the dirt. Wei WuXian activated his spell, forming a small barrier over the entirety of the drawing, "We'll start with covering this,"

He deactivated his barrier and motioned for Lan WangJi to try first. The Jade tried it, surprised slightly by the way the barrier formed well, but too large. Wei WuXian giggled, "Too much spiritual energy. You have to control it,"

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