Oikawa x (female)Reader

Start from the beginning

"What are you planning?"

"Eh, I can't have N/n-chan's number?"

"Will you stop whining if I give it?"

He nods excitingly, cheering when we exchange numbers. He takes a picture of me for the contact. It doesn't go as well for me. "Stop smirking idiot. It looks fake."

"It's not. I'm being genuine here!" he exclaims.


"That's better."

Oikawa blinks a couple of times, before prodding over to see the picture. "Take another one. It's not pretty enough!"

"That's why it's perfect," I say, flicking his forehead.


"What's the progress on the poster, L/n?"

"I should be done tonight. If not, then by tomorrow afternoon."

"That's wonderful. Keep up the good work."

"Thank you, I will."

This is now my daily routine. Wake up, go to school, watch the boys practice and work on the poster all night long.

I'm starting to get used to everyone.

"N/n-chan, can I see the poster?"

Almost everyone.

"You'll see it when it's done. Just like everyone else," I reply, not looking up from my phone. I'm looking for pens to line my art. My best pen gave up on me last night. It was a sad moment.

"Can't I take a peak?" he pleads, practically sitting on me. He's so close! I push his face away. "I already said no—Hey! Give me my phone back!"

Stupid height of mine. There was no way I'm reaching it. He casually scrolls through my things. His face lights up with a smirk. "Are you secretly a fangirl? You have so many pictures of me. Oh, a lot more than the others," he says, flipping my phone to display the numerous pictures I had of him.

"They're for reference," I say in defence. "If I tell you I'm taking pictures, you never play at your best."

"What do you mean?"

I jump, yanking the phone out of his hand. "Natural beauty... A rose can only look so radiant surrounded by its own. Out in a field at the break of dawn, lightly glazed in dew."

I can tell Oikawa didn't catch a peep of what I just said. I shake my head. "Never mind that. You'll get it when you see the poster."

He rejoins the boys and there's something different about him. I'm almost amazed watching him play. When practice ends, I help them clean up and head for the gates.

"Are you sure you're okay walking alone this late?" Iwaizumi asks.

"No need to worry. My brother's picking me up."

"Do you want me to wait with you?"

I smile. "It's okay. You worked hard. You deserve to go home and rest."

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