Hinata x (short!female)Reader

Start from the beginning

"That was hard. Why is English so hard?" He complained placing his head on his desk. "How do you do it?"

F/n patted his head reassuringly. "Practice, practice and more practice," she replied. "My brother is the one who taught me. It was hard at first, but you get it with practice. It's like volleyball no? Practice makes perfect."

"I guess you're right. Can I ask you something?"

She nodded.

"How do you say, daisuki, in English?"

"That's I like you. Why?"

"I rike you."

F/n being naïve, had no clue what his intentions were and replied. "Awwww, I like you too, Hinata-kun! You're my best friend!"

Hinata smiled, hiding his heartache. "O-Of course, we're best friends."

They continued studying until it was time for F/n to return home. Hinata's mother insisted her son escort her. She couldn't decline the mother's sweet smile. F/n hopped on her bike, waving farewell to the mother with Hinata at her side. It didn't take long to reach her house.

"Thanks for bringing me home, Hinata!"

"No problem! Can I talk to your brother?"

"Sure, come in," she said, opening the door. Her brother was now asleep on the couch. She smiled, evilly. She jumped onto his stomach. "WAKE UP!"

"Ah, mother of pearls!"

F/n laughed on the floor, pointing at the ridiculous look on his face. Her brother growled, picking her up by the hood of her sweater. She slipped out of the outerwear, revealing her (f/c) laced bra. "Don't get mad, Nii-san. Hinata-kun wants to talk to you."

"HAH!?!" Noticing the orange-haired kid at the door, he rolled his sister in her sweater and pushed her down the hall. "Stay in your room."

"Hai!" she replied, skipping to her room. Her brother returned to the living room, eyes serious. "So, you're Hinata?"

"Y-Yes, Hinata Shōyō! It's nice to meet you!" He squeaked, afraid. "It's a pleasure to be friends with F/n!"

"Friends, huh? Have a seat Hinata."

Hinata stiffly sat on the opposing couch. The atmosphere was tense. The poor first-year could feel the older boy's looming eyes. "Let me ask you something Hinata. Do you like my sister?"

"I uh well—yes, I do!"

Her brother kept a serious face. "Why do you like her? Her cute face? Her beautiful body? Tell me Hinata, why do you like my īmuoto?"

Hinata shivered, aggressively. "I-It's not just that! Not that I look I mean—she's cute but F/n is really nice! She's caring and always encourages me to do my best."

"You say that," her brother said, almost sneering at Hinata. "But I'm not convinced."

"I like her a lot! I don't know how you want me to convince you. I'm being sincere. I wouldn't be as happy without seeing F/n every morning. I always want to see her," Hinata replied, mumbling towards the end. "I don't have any bad intentions. I just really like her."

Her brother finally cracked a smile. "You're good shrimp. I approve."


"Yeah, I'll help you win over my naïve sister. But I'm gonna warn you once."

The air got cold. Her brother's eyes filled with fire. Hinata squeaked in fear.

"Break her heart and I'll break your kneecaps. Got it?"


"Perfect! Here's the plan," her brother said in a joyful tone like he wasn't trying to kill the tangerine a second before.

While that happened, F/n got ready for bed. She pulled out her (f/a) onesie. She went back downstairs, bidding goodnight to her brother and the tangerine. Hinata received a forehead flick for staring too long. F/n went to sleep and Hinata went home with a plan.


Weeks passed from that conversation and nothing had changed. F/n was unable to catch any of Hinata's hints. From the letters to the treats and small gifts, nothing he did made her realize his feelings. Even his teammates had started pitying him. But he never gave up.

One morning, he went to their usual meeting spot but she wasn't there. He waited a couple more minutes and she still didn't show up. His mood darkened. "Maybe she got tired of me after all."

He biked down the path, alone, in a harsh silence. But to his surprise, he saw F/n further ahead on the path, two crutches in hand and a thick cast around her foot. He peddled fast to reach her. "F/n!! Are you okay?! What happened?"

She looked back, smiling. But it lacked her usual glow. "Just a small accident. No worries. I'm okay."

"Where's your brother?"

"Nii-san had to go back to campus. I'm home alone," she answered, sadly. "They offered I switch to online schooling since I live a while away. But I declined."

"But it would be more convenient."

She shook her head. "I just have to leave earlier and I'll get to school on time."

"Hop on my bike. You'll get tired walking like that."

"A-Are you s-sure?"

He smiled his bright sunshine smile. "I don't mind at all."

He helped F/n sit on his bike while he held the handlebar, keeping it steady. "I was worried you didn't want to bike with me anymore," he told her.

"Eh! I always want to bike with you, Hinata-kun. I just didn't want you to worry about me. You have so many other things to worry about," she explained.

"But I want to worry about you," Hinata mumbled. F/n having heard questioned him further. His answer surprised her.

"I want to take care of you like you take care of me. I want you to lean on me when you need help."

F/n smiled at his warm words, her good mood returning. "You're very sweet, Hinata-kun."

"Shōyō, call me Shōyō."

"But isn't that for when people are, you know, close?" she mumbled, her cheeks warm.

Hinata gave her a heart-melting grin. "I want us to be close."

F/n felt her face flood with warmth. It finally seemed to click in her mind. What Hinata had meant all this time. "O-Okay, S-Shōyō."

He gave her a small kiss on the cheek, making her cheeks flare red. "I like you, F/n."

"I-I like y-you too, Shōyō."

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