Chapter 53- Familiar Face!

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You made your way inside school and went straight to the bathroom. You didn't see any of your friends outside, so you decided that you wanted to be alone for now. After a couple of minutes, you went back outside. You wore your hood over your head. "Zaynah? Are you okay?" Sana asked from behind you. You turned around and nodded. "I'm fine." You smiled, softly. Your eyes were still red and puffy. "You don't look so good.. Were you crying..?" Wendy asked. You shook your head, and stayed quiet. Tzuyu put her hand on your shoulder. You looked up at her. "Did something happen at Jackson's house?" She asked. "No.. Nothing happened there. I actually really enjoyed myself there." You told them

"Then what's wrong?" Irene asked. "It's nothing.." You reassured them. "Are you still upset..? I said I was sorry. It was just a harmless joke." His voice made you jump. He sighed. "Baby.." He reached out to hold your hands. You backed away. "Zaynah.. Baby.. Please just listen to me." He begged. "I don't want to listen to anything you have to say!" You shouted before walking away. Your friends followed behind you. Jungkook ran after you and then picked you up bridal style.

You yelped. He ran away with you in his arms. You started banging on his chest, trying to free yourself from his grasp. He took you to the back of the school. Your friends were running after you, but he managed to lose them. He hid behind the bushes and turned to face you. "Baby, just hear me out." He said. "Let go of me!" You screamed in his face. He put his face closer to yours. His warm breath hit your face. You could feel your facial muscles relaxing.

He smiled at you once he saw that you stopped struggling. He kissed your cheek. You snapped back into reality and then your face stiffened. He sighed. "Zaynah, I said I was sorry.." He said. "Jungkook, I don't give a sh*t whether you're sorry or not!" You yelled at him. He looked at you, surprised. "Why are you even mad at me?!" He asked. Your eyebrows furrowed and lowered. "YOU BEAT UP MY BOYFRIEND, AND YOU TRIED TO SEDUCE ME!" You shouted at him.

"I said I was sorry for both of those things!" He reminded you. "And I told you that I didn't care!" You yelled. "Zaynah.. You know you're my everything. I can't live without you." He told you, softly. "You managed to get where you are now without me, so you can live the rest of your life just the same." You said, strictly. His eyes widened. He continuously kept shaking his head. "No.. No.. You can't do this to me. I can't.." He trailed off and got lost in your eyes. He snapped back into his sense and then held your face. "I.. I.." He bit his lip, trying to hold himself back.

"Get off of me.." You said. He held onto you tighter. "Kook, I said get off!" You raised your voice. He paused. He slowly moved his hands away and looked down at the floor. You got up and walked away with your bag. He sighed and got up shortly after.

The bell rang, which meant that you had to go straight to class. You had math..

"Good morning, students." Mrs Jung (Your old math teacher) said. "Today we have someone joining our class. He should be here in a minute, he just went to go and get his stuff." She continued. You all got your books out. Someone came inside. You couldn't believe your eyes. "Bacon!?" You exclaimed in happiness. Both you and Irene got up and smiled at him. "Hey chubs!" He replied. "Alright, settle down." Mrs Jung laughed.

He sat beside you and smiled. "What are you doing here?" You asked him. Your spirits had been lifted. "Ha, surprise!" He did the jazz hands gesture. You smiled. He hugged you from the side.


Well, why didn't you tell me that you were coming here?!" You asked as you nudged him. He smiled. "I thought it would've been a nice surprise." He said. You rolled your eyes. "What? Aren't you surprised?" He asked. "I am! But I still can't believe that you're actually here." You reassured him. He hugged you. "Hey, babe." Jackson said as he pecked your lips. "Oh, hi!" You answered as you smiled. "Who's this..?" He asked. "Oh, you remember Baekhyun, right? From elementary school? We used to do everything together." You explained. "Oh yeah! Hey, man!" He reached out for a handshake. They shook hands but Baekhyun had an uneasy look on his face. 

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